Hey Mikel,

You can add me to en-ca. I don't know too much french, but I guess I could
also help there

Missatge de Mikel L. Forcada <m...@dlsi.ua.es> del dia dj., 20 d’ag. 2020 a
les 9:39:

> Dear Apertiumers:
> About 10 days ago I wrote a message asking for apertiumers to volunteer in
> evaluating sets of 150 bilingual dictionary entries. We still need more
> evaluators.
> We need two more evaluators for Esperanto–English, two more for
> French–Catalan and one for Occitan–French.
> Please contact our GSoC student Shashwat Goel
> <shashwat.g...@research.iiit.ac.in> <shashwat.g...@research.iiit.ac.in>
> if you can help.
> Thanks a million!
> All the best
> Mikel Forcada
> [New] En - Es - Assigned to Hector, Mikel, Jorge. More people not required
> [New] En - Ca - Assigned to Hector, Mikel. One more person would be
> helpful.
> Eo - En - Done by Hector. Two more people would be helpful.
> Fr - Ca - Done by Hector. Two more people would be helpful.
> Oc - Fr - Done by Serge. Assigned to Gisele. One more person would be
> helpful.
> --
> Mikel L. Forcada  http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~mlf/
> Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
> Universitat d'Alacant
> E-03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig
> Spain
> Office: +34 96 590 9776
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