Tanmai Khanna <khanna.tan...@gmail.com>

> Thanks Unhammer!
> So now we have three kinds of units: block tags, superblanks, and wordbound
> blanks. Block tags are hard breaks in the text, wordbound blanks move
> around with words, and superblanks are tags that aren't hard breaks but not
> attached to words (such as <br/>). Tino can give you a list of tags and
> their classifications.
> As per your question about transfer, the <b pos="1"/> refer to the
> superblanks if they exist in the input. Wordbound blanks will reorder
> automatically and block tags won't move at all.
> We can also decide to make the remaining superblanks immovable and just
> output them when a rule is matched, but that is a decision that can be
> taken in the future. For now, blanks in transfer rules work for any
> superblanks that still exist in the stream. Hope that answered your
> question :))

Almost :) If input has <br/> somewhere, and my transfer rules don't have
any <b pos="…"/> (only maybe <b/>), will it still be output?

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