G'day, and CC'ing the apertium-stuff mailing list,

Firstly, I recommend getting in the Apertium IRC channel for live support
and developer feedback. We're on irc.oftc.net #apertium (
https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Contact#IRC ).

As to your question, then those are debug modes. If you look in e.g.
https://github.com/apertium/apertium-tat-rus/blob/master/modes.xml then you
can see which modes are marked install="yes" - those are the only modes
that "make install" will install. Debug modes often depend on temporary
files that aren't installed either.

The installed modes are what the language/pair developers consider useful
for end-users. It is thus not really an issue or bug if a given debug mode
isn't installed - it's usually an informed choice. If anything, I would say
it's a bug that rus-kaz installs the debug modes that it does - and indeed,
such a bug is filed: https://github.com/apertium/apertium-kaz-rus/issues/1

The monolingual packages install many more modes, because they are used for
further development. So you can get morph from those. But biltrans is not
normal to want if you aren't a developer, and thus building from source.

But it's all what people are used to, so I'd expect the particular pair
developers are open for discussion and looking at new use-cases. Hence the
CC to the mailing list, as I am not a language pair developer.

-- Tino Didriksen

On Wed, 1 Sept 2021 at 18:58, Андрей Клочко <ankan2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Tino Didriksen,
> My name is Andrew and I'm a developer of web-platform Lingvodoc (
> http://lingvodoc.ispras.ru/). We have an idea to use some of Apertium
> linguistic packages in our system to implement the ability of performing
> automatical morphological analysis and translation to Russian (now I'm
> working on Kazakh and Tatar languages support). I use apertium-tat-rus and
> apertium-kaz-rus packages with modes "biltrans" and "morph" and they work
> well if these packages are built from Github sources, though I face with
> some problems while trying to use them from APT repository (
> https://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/install-nightly.sh):
> The output of
> $ echo "Сәлем!" | apertium kaz-rus
> is
> $ Error: can't stat file
> '/usr/share/apertium/apertium-kaz-rus/apertium-kaz-rus.kaz-rus.t4x'
> showing that an important file is absent in the apertium-kaz-rus DEB
> package.
> Modes "kaz-rus-morph", "kaz-rus-biltrans", "tat-rus-morph",
> "tat-rus-biltrans" don't exist among Apertium modes after apertium-tat,
> apertium-kaz, apertium-rus, apertium-kaz-rus, apertium-tat-rus packages
> installation, all available modes are listed below:
>   kaz_Arab-gener
>   kaz_Cyrl-gener
>   kaz-disam
>   kaz-gener
>   kaz-lexc
>   kaz-morph
>   kaz-rus
>   kaz-spell
>   kaz-tagger
>   kaz-tokenise
>   kaz-twol
>   rus-disam
>   rus-gener
>   rus-kaz-biltrans
>   rus-kaz-interchunk
>   rus-kaz
>   rus-kaz-postchunk-and-cleanup
>   rus-kaz-postchunk
>   rus-kaz-transfer
>   rus-morph
>   rus-tagger
>   tat-disam
>   tat-gener
>   tat-morph
>   tat-rus
>   tat-spell
>   tat-tagger
>   tat-tokenise
>   tat-twol
> Is it possible to fix this issue?
> Best regards,
> Andrew.
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