Jonathan Washington
<> čálii:

> As to Andrey's question concerning kaz-rus not working because of a
> missing .t4x file, that sounds like a legit packaging error, which I'm
> not sure how to fix (I really should learn...)

That was fixed in
but if i understand correctly there needs to be a "data change" for
a rebuild to happen:
… so commit a new word and check again tomorrow?

> In the meantime, Andrey, you should be able to just clone the pair and
> compile from source (`apertium-get kaz-rus`), which will fix the
> missing file issue.¹  This gets around the missing modes as well,² and
> will be more future-proof given what Kevin and Tino are discussing.

Modes files don't change very often, so if the goal is to use the newest
packages without having to recompile all the time you could (as
a temporary workaround) manually make a file
/usr/share/apertium/modes/kaz-rus-biltrans.mode containing the same as
/usr/share/apertium/modes/kaz-rus.mode but without the bits after

(I made to track/discuss
installing debug modes, subscribe to that if you want notification when
that's possible.)

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