As to Andrey's question concerning kaz-rus not working because of a
missing .t4x file, that sounds like a legit packaging error, which I'm
not sure how to fix (I really should learn...)

In the meantime, Andrey, you should be able to just clone the pair and
compile from source (`apertium-get kaz-rus`), which will fix the
missing file issue.¹  This gets around the missing modes as well,² and
will be more future-proof given what Kevin and Tino are discussing.

¹ missing file issue resolved:
apertium-kaz-rus$ echo сәлем деген сөз сөздікте жоқ екен, бірақ басқа
сөздер аударылады ғой  | apertium -d . kaz-rus
@сәлем  сказать  базар  в  словаре @жоқ #<p3>, но  #иной базары  #Поднимать

² missing modes resolved:
apertium-kaz-rus$ echo сөздер | apertium -d . kaz-rus-biltrans

I realise the translation is terrible, and I have no idea off the top
of my head why сөз is mapped to базар in the dictionary, but yeah.

Otherwise, does this help?


2 sen 2021, C.a. tarixində 04:23 tarixində Tino Didriksen
<> yazdı:
> On Thu, 2 Sept 2021 at 09:53, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer <> 
> wrote:
>> However – there are people who want to use debug modes but would rather
>> not want to compile a pair and manually
>> `git pull && make && make test || revert-to-last-working-revision`.
>> Would it make sense to install debug-modes to a debug-modes folder? Put
>> stuff like -biltrans etc. in /usr/share/apertium/debug-modes, and then
>> `apertium -l` only shows translation /modes while `apertium -L` shows
>> both /modes and /debug-modes? (And `apertium kaz-rus-biltrans` works
>> without any special switches because why not, while `apertium
>> nonexistent` runs `apertium -l` and gives a hint to use `-L` to show the
>> rest.)
> That's a good idea, but some debug modes require files that are not normally 
> installed. We shouldn't clutter end-user installs with these files.
> But we could install everything to 2 packages: A main package 
> apertium-zzz-xxx for end-users and another apertium-zzz-xxx-corpus (or 
> whatever bikeshed -name we come up with) with the extras. That would also 
> lead nicely into the spellers going into a separate package, as people who 
> just want spellers probably don't care about anything else.
> -- Tino Didriksen
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