On 1/29/11 10:38 PM, Stefan Seelmann wrote:

[X] - (c)
            interface                                 = AddRequest
            simple API exposed implementation         = AddRequest*Impl*
            not so simple internal use implementation = AddRequest*Decoder*
We're applying option 'C' right now. I'm torn but think A might suite us
better for the long term, and for any situation. You also know what's an
interface and what's not although the IDE automatically shows you this stuff
on the package/class browser.
This is my opinion for a low-level API, which 1:1 maps LDAP
terminology to the Java API. I think we should additional have a
simplified API where the user don't need to deal with request and
response objects at all.

BTW: We have this discussion again and again ;-) We really need to
decide a consistent naming.

I think we already discussed it more than once, and we all agreed on this convention.

I'm not sure we want to rehash this again every 2 years :/

Emmanuel Lécharny

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