On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 3:17 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny <elecha...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 1/29/11 10:38 PM, Stefan Seelmann wrote:
>>  [X] - (c)
>>>            interface                                 = AddRequest
>>>            simple API exposed implementation         = AddRequest*Impl*
>>>            not so simple internal use implementation =
>>> AddRequest*Decoder*
>>> We're applying option 'C' right now. I'm torn but think A might suite us
>>> better for the long term, and for any situation. You also know what's an
>>> interface and what's not although the IDE automatically shows you this
>>> stuff
>>> on the package/class browser.
>> This is my opinion for a low-level API, which 1:1 maps LDAP
>> terminology to the Java API. I think we should additional have a
>> simplified API where the user don't need to deal with request and
>> response objects at all.
>> BTW: We have this discussion again and again ;-) We really need to
>> decide a consistent naming.
> I think we already discussed it more than once, and we all agreed on this
> convention.
> I'm not sure we want to rehash this again every 2 years :/
When there's a push to release a 1.0 of an API, we need to make the API
consistent. I can do this myself but the community way is to have a
discussion. If  you do not want to discuss this feel free not to
participate, or say you don't care.

Alex Karasulu
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