The fruit if the tree of the knowledge of good and evil could not have been
an apple, because there was only one such tree, and it was in the garden of
Eden (the site of which, along with its contents, having been destroyed by
the flood of Noah's day).


The association between 'Malus' and 'evil' seems to derive from a
misunderstanding of the Latin translation of Genesis; apart from that error,
there is no connection between apples and that Tree.


The idea of inserting Wikipedia info into apples additionally reveals how
misguided this project really is, as well as the deep misunderstanding of
the Bible exhibited by the scientist and the writer.  The Tree was
associated with the prospect of the acquisition of personal moral depravity
as well as an irresistible inclination toward evil;  it had nothing to do
with quantitative accumulation of values-neutral facts.


The Bible teaches that you shall know the tree by its fruit.  The tree in
question was the 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil': to eat of it
would bring certain Spiritual death to the eater and to all his offspring,
and those offspring would evidence their Spiritually dead condition by their
evil thoughts, words and deeds.  Adam ate, and now all have sinned (Romans
3:23) and the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).  Every natural-born human
is hence already encoded with the entire moral code of the Tree.  This
explains the evil that we in fact see all around us: all Adam's offspring
(unregenerate mankind) have become the figurative 'trees' bearing the fruit
of evil.  


So the men involved in this project are too late.  The project has been
underway for ~6,000 years, led by natural man's representative Head- the
project's chief researcher and pilot subject, Adam.


And now, back to the field.  I have Malus Domestica to plant.


Steven Bibula

Plowshares Community Farm

236 Sebago Lake Road

Gorham ME 04038



[] On Behalf Of David Doud
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 10:49 PM
To: Apple-Crop
Subject: [apple-crop] apple as art


I don't know quite what to make of this 'New Yorker' article -
e-twice-forbidden-fruit.html - I think some things were lost/confused in the
relating and retelling of the story.


"He (Joe Davis) plans to use synthetic biology to insert a DNA-encoded
version of Wikipedia into the apple and create a living, literal tree of


Anybody know what the "four thousand year old strain of apple" might be?
Nice picture of Cox Orange Pippin at the top...


David Doud

grower, IN - petal fall - 



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