On Sun, 2006-06-11 at 20:31 -0400, Joe Schaefer wrote:

> >           APR_RING_UNSPLICE(f, l, link);
> >           APR_RING_SPLICE_TAIL(&out->list, f, l, apr_bucket, link);
> >
> This is the right approach, I think.  But the person who'd be
> in the best place to test/commit it is Bojan.  Just be sure
> to bump the patch level in apreq_version.h, and add a comment

I can test the above in my setup and see what comes out, but I'm more
worried about the incorrectly compiled code and why it happened. I'm not
sure if it's due to bugs in gcc, or is it something that RING/BRIGADE
macros are doing that really isn't quite right.

RH gcc guys know about it and they already put a few comments into the
bug report, but I'm guessing they are still working on a final verdict.

In any event, we know how to work around the issue on the platform in
question (Fedora Core), so the whole thing is under control. Well, sort
of anyway... :-)


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