Quoting Joe Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Are you sure the "intermediate code" is correct?
It's calling free and destroy, which makes me think
that's some other "delete buckets" loop, not this one.>

Nice catch! The correct snippet is:

            do {
                apr_bucket *f = (&(in)->list)->next;
do { (((((f))))->link.prev)->link.next = ((((f))))->link.next; (((((f))))->link.next)->link.prev = ((((f))))->link.prev; } while (0); do { apr_bucket *ap__b = (f); do { ((((ap__b))))->link.next = ((struct apr_bucket *)((char *)(((&(out)->list))) - ((long) (((char *) (&(((struct apr_bucket*)((void *)0))->link))) - ((char *) ((void *)0)))))); ((((ap__b))))->link.prev = (((struct apr_bucket *)((char *)(((&(out)->list))) - ((long) (((char *) (&(((struct apr_bucket*)((void *)0))->link))) - ((char *) ((void *)0)))))))->link.prev; ((((struct apr_bucket *)((char *)(((&(out)->list))) - ((long) (((char *) (&(((struct apr_bucket*)((void *)0))->link))) - ((char *) ((void *)0)))))))->link.prev)->link.next = (((ap__b))); (((struct apr_bucket *)((char *)(((&(out)->list))) - ((long) (((char *) (&(((struct apr_bucket*)((void *)0))->link))) - ((char *) ((void *)0)))))))->link.prev = (((ap__b))); } while (0); ; } while (0);
            } while (e != (&(in)->list)->next);

Thanks Joe!

PS. Fixed Bugzilla too.


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