
I don't actually see a vote from Steeve - just an advisory that it seems
OK.  I did vote +1, and am ready to roll (after having a baby boy +
getting the flu twice; it's been a busy month ;)) as soon as I see a 3rd
binding vote.

Since steevehay does seem positive, I'm going to start tagging and
rolling, but won't upload or announce until I formally close the vote


Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
Issac Goldstand wrote:
Unit tests blow up spectacularly on solaris 2.10 but I don't think we support that and is related to Request.so failing to load.

It does compile.

I'll get a freebsd test for some sanity in the nearish future here.

I wouldn't worry about the solaris blow ups (1.33 doesn't work either)

Nothing liked getting pissed off to get things to work.
(I believe the only difference I did was -httpd vs -apxs)

All tests successful.
Files=4, Tests=25, 3 wallclock secs ( 1.22 cusr + 0.17 csys = 1.39 CPU)

Solaris 2.10
apache 1.3.41
mod_perl 1.30
perl 5.8.8

so thats a +1

Neither of Steve's changes are to apreq itself so they don't block the release.

+1: stevenhay, pgollucci

ISSAC did you vote ? if you do we get the required votes.

If do the release, make sure you send the e-mails from an @apache.org e-mail.

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