On Jan 7, 2009, at 5:24 AM, Issac Goldstand wrote:


I don't actually see a vote from Steeve - just an advisory that it seems
OK.  I did vote +1, and am ready to roll (after having a baby boy +
getting the flu twice; it's been a busy month ;)) as soon as I see a 3rd
binding vote.

Since steevehay does seem positive, I'm going to start tagging and
rolling, but won't upload or announce until I formally close the vote


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but it is our policy
to vote on completed artifacts, not "RC" tags or anything else that
would be changed subsequent to the vote.  Our goal is to verify that
the finished tarball actually installs from source, and the only
way to verify that is to have the signed tarball in hand before voting.

In other words, you will have to call the vote again *after* rolling
the actual releasable artifact.  In the future, please do not ask
people to vote on candidates -- it is a waste of time when we don't
care how many version numbers are used between releases.


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