Yay! That makes just a 1.5 year release cycle ;)

I hope to release today after work. Who's got CPAN karma and voulenteers to help me upload?

Joe Schaefer wrote:
----- Original Message ----

From: Steve Hay <steve...@planit.com>
To: Issac Goldstand <mar...@beamartyr.net>
Cc: APREQ List <apreq-dev@httpd.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 7, 2009 8:54:48 AM
Subject: RE: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] libapreq 1.34-RC4

I didn't vote because AFAIK I don't actually have a vote. I have commit
access, but I'm not a PMC member and therefore have no vote. Is that

Everybody gets a vote ;-), but the ones that count towards
the release requirements come from the httpd PMC.

Here's my +1 for release Issac.

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