I checked, and the problem is *not* with how Arachne handles the <pre>

The problem is with the person who put that stuff up on the page.

The <pre> tag tells a browser to preserve the spacing and everything
like that regardless of screen resolution, etc.

The <pre> tag does *NOT* [and cannot] tell a browser to "ignore the
symbol > inside <pre></pre> tags.

That is where the problem on that example lies.  The author uses the
"greater than" symbol instead of the correct &nbwhatever code.  When
Arachne reaches the > symbol it has to believe that something ended. 
Since it ended, there is nothing to display.

Try rewriting the code yourself, if you know the correct &nb code for
the 'greater than' symbol ">" and see if it doesn't display the way it
should. :)

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 12:37:36 +0200, Or Botton wrote:

> Arachne seems to have a slight problem when handling text in PRE tags.

> At the page:
> http://users.uniserve.com/~alexad3/course/chapter_1.htm

> The first C code example in that site is using PRE tags. When viewed
> with Arachne, the first "for" line in that example gets cut off, and
> everything else in that PRE paragraph is gone.
> (compare by looking at the source.)

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