On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 22:31:07 -0500, Clarence Verge wrote:

> Pete wrote:

>> <OT> RE: My CMOS clock--
>>   It seems to have lost about 2 mins in the last 3 1/2 hrs. I don't need
>> Arachne's clock, can I disable it? Or maybe just remove the timestamp
>> from e-mails?

> Hi Pete;
> Are you running Windows ?


> Many so-called multitasking programs steal time from the clock and seldom
> bother to return it. (or compensate)
> Another possibility is a TSR that runs under DOS and also periodically
> blocks the timer tick.

  A166 flies solo, VC solo for other tasks. No shelling as I run into mem
  Since the BIOS chip that was on the other (486SX-40) board
was copyright one year newer, I switched it for the one that came with
the 486DX2-50 board...

> Your email timestamp is probably more useful to us than to you by the
> look of that last line. <G>
  Hmmm... Its *actually* 5:26 PM, now; it was set at around 6:15 PM

> -  Clarence Verge
> --
> -  Help stamp out FATWARE.  As a start visit: http://home.arachne.cz/
> --

                       - Pete Randolph -
                 - Morristown Corners, Vermont -

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