
You wrote:

>><OT> RE: My CMOS clock--
  It seems to have lost about 2 mins in the last 3 1/2 hrs. I don't need
Arachne's clock, can I disable it? Or maybe just remove the timestamp
from e-mails?<<

Have you set your DOS clock?

I set my dos/cmos clock once a month thru a "timeset" program that dials the 
Naval Observatory and resets my clock.  First Saturday of every month, I 
call the Boulder, CO office of the NO.  Rarely, in a month, will my clock(s) 
be off by 2 minutes.  (And on my 586/133 that I got in 1991, I still have the 
original 4.5v alkaline battery.)  Connection to the Naval Observatory and 
resetting the clock usually takes less than 30 seconds.  The program checks 
for date, daylight savings time, and records the original DOS time and the NO 

Roger Turk
Tucson, Arizona  USA

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