Bernie wrote:

> True, but you will still need X to actually see 
> the program. 

Yes, X does the displaying, but it is Linux that is
executing the program.  

> I can't see <g> much point in using a (graphical) 
> program without being able to see it's output 

True, there's not much point using a graphical program
without a VDU, but that doesn't mean the program is
running on the VDU.

> BTW: Can you make a script that executes things in X? 

Sure.  It's just an ordinary Linux script with the
display exported to X.

> It seems the "Linux world" would be suprissed to find 
> out that most people out there are users not developers ;-)

For embedded devices, it is the developer who decides 
which OS is used for the device.  It makes sense to 
target the developer.

> I don't care much for what the developers use, just as 
> long as it works.

Exactly.  If Linux is going to have a future on embedded
devices, it must convince the developers.  The users
don't care.
> But in almost all cases the keyboard is a standard PC 
> keyboard 

Perhaps.  I don't know.  Linux runs on lots of non-PC
systems.  Does the mac use a PC keyboard?


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