Thomas Mueller wrote:
> What will be used in the future for text input in place of keyboards?

So far, I can only think of the following examples:
Hand writing recognition, voice recognition, Palm pilot writting style,
harmonic keyboards (which are actually a type of a keyboard, but never
mind that).. and thats it.

I guess that what Pete forgets here, is that its -because- of
the communication ability the internet provides, we will all need
text much more then before. Surly you can agree that keyboards
are actually more speedy and comfortable then hand recognition,
and more comfortable then voice recognition, when its down to
inputing alot of text.

Think about it: would you agree to make long documents during
your work, using your voice? your troat will be in pain after about 3
hours unless you're used to give lectures. Same goes to hand writing..
people didnt exactly switch to type writers back then because "the
documents came out looking better". (some would say it looked
even worse.). So, excuse me if I say that all these claims about
how the keyboards will disappear being simply total nonsense.

Ofcourse, if in the future a new input device that will be more
comfortable then the keyboard will appear, thats when the
keyboard will be replaced. But so far, keyboards havent found their
match.. yet! (direct connection to the brain could be it, I guess.)

Last thing, is that there will be some appliances without keyboards,
and thats in areas where the user isnt exactly expected to input
alot of text.. personal PDAs for kids could be one example.

                                       Or Botton
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Truth is stranger then fiction, since fiction has to make sense."

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