On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 12:29:12 +0100, Joerg Dietze wrote:

> Hi folks,

> pdf2htm now comes with support for other bitmap devices of Ghostscript
> (all BMP, JPEG, PCX, GIF formats are possible, IF YOUR VERSION OF GS
> SUPPORTS IT) and with a documentation file (pdf2htm.doc). If someone is
> interested, feel free to mail me. All list members who have already
> received the last version will get it by private mail automatically.

> Regards Joerg
> -- Arachne V1.70, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

Hi Joerg,
          very delighted with the new version of PDF2HTM.
Any good product needs a "directory for use" to give all the
opportunities a usefull meaning. Your "doc" is very good but I have some
remarks to make it better ;-))  (See end of doc file)


PDF2HTM Documentation

1. What's this?

PDF2HTM is a small utility to convert a PDF file to a set of bitmap 
files (one for each page in the PDF) and a HTML file referring to these 
files. It is written as a plugin for the graphical DOS browser Arachne 
but can also used as standalone program or from within other software 
as well.

2. Requierements

PDF2 HTM uses Ghostscript to create the bitmaps. You need a working 
installation of GS in Your searchpath.
It also uses the TEMP variable of Your system.

3. Files

PDF2HTM has 5 files:
 PDF2HTM.DOC (this file)
 PDF2HTM.INI (the configuration file)
 PDF2HTM.BAT (this is to file to run)
 ARGH.EXE    (puts together the parameters for GS)
 HTMLGEN.EXE (creates the HTML page)

While running, PDF2HTM will create the following files:
 GSMUSTDO, the parameterfile for GS, in current directory,
 one or more files named like PAGE*.*, in OUTPATH
 a HTML file, like specified in command parameters for PDF2HTM.BAT
 GSOUT.TXT (in TEMP directory)

4. Configuration

All configuration stuff is done via PDF2HTM.INI, which should look like 


Note: PDF2HTM currently needs all keywords written in upper case.

- defines the output device for GS. To find out which devices are 
available with Your copy of GS, enter GS -h. 
Currently supported by PDF2HTM: all BMP, PCX, JPEG, GIF. 
As Bastiaan reports, Arachne can not read bmpmono.

-defines the resolution of the bitmaps. 
72 is suitable for an overview, 100 is better to read.

- the path where the bitmaps will be saved. 
This is not limited to \arachne\cache\ but can be everywhere. 
Note, that a bmp256 with resolution of 100 dpi takes about 900 kB diskspace. 
Path statements must end with \ (Arachne style :-)).

5. Installation

Simply copy all files into Your Arachne directory. 
Add the following lines to MIME.CFG:

application/pdf      >HTM|@call pdf2htm.bat $1 $2
file/.pdf            >HTM|@call pdf2htm.bat $1 $2

Adjust PDF2HTM.INI to Your needs.

6. PDF2HTM as stand alone programm

Start PDF2HTM.BAT like this: PDF2HTM infile.pdf outfile.htm

7. Miscellaneous

PDF2HTM is free for all Windows haters :-) and may be copied freely, 
but only with all files in the bundle.
I guess that it won't do any harm to Your HDs but I'm not responsible 
for any damage which possibly may occure.
Your comments, suggestions, bug reports, whishes, donations... 
are welcome. Please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If You're interested in the Pascal sources feel free to mail me.
Thanks to all people at Arachne mailing list for testing and the 

Have fun

Joerg Dietze 

8. Some remarks by Bastiaan
For use with DOS: better use "#" for "=".
For use with DOS: do not use the command "GS" but "GS386".
So calling the help-file is done by "GS386 -h". 
GS386 needs DOS4GW.EXE !

(Joerg... according to documentation Ghostscript 5.10 is NOT supporting GIF.
Is there a more recent version?)

Zendamateurs, kijk eens op de homepage...

-- This mail was written by user of Arachne, the Ultimate Internet Client
-- Arachne V1.61, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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