Hallo Bastiaan,

On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 22:21:26 +00, Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ wrote:

> Hallo Joerg,
>         tried it but no luck... but must be the same fault I
> already had after using GS 705.

> I adjusted the bat file to lead to the right directory and changed the
> %TEMP% to TEMP so Arachne stores to right file.
> Also added del C:\TEMP\GSOUT.TXT

> Here is pdf2htm.bat
> *******************
> @echo off
> echo Ghostscript is currently busy converting the given PDF file to HTML.
> echo This can take up several minutes.
> echo Would You like to have some coffee...?
> del \arachne\gsmustdo >NUL
> del \arachne\cache\page*.* >NUL
> argh %1
> C:\GS\GS705\gs386 @gsmustdo > C:\TEMP\gsout.txt
> htmlgen >%2
> *******************

> The error in GSOUT.TXT is:
> GS: Interpreter revision (705) does not match gs_init.ps revision (510)

> gs_init.ps    62114 16-04-02 2:49
> gs386.exe   2500554 24-04-02 21:53

arrgh, this odd thing again :-(. Would You mind zipping Your version of
gs_init.ps and sending it to me via private e-mail? BTW, PDF2HTM works
fine with win32 commandline version of GS in the DOS box :-).

> BTW: German documentation can not viewed right in Arachne... umlauts and
> ß written in caracter set 437. But I do not have trouble with that.

If You like, there is a HTML version in German at my homepage at
http://djvomght.bei.t-online.de which should be displayed OK.

Regards Joerg

> Regards, Bastiaan

> *************************
> Technische Redactie CQ-PA
> Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ
> *************************
> Attentie: e-mail adres bij Wanadoo niet meer gebruiken!

> http://home.hetnet.nl/~ba8tian/index.html

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> -- This mail was written by user of Arachne, the Ultimate Internet Client

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