On Fri, 7 Dec 2001 15:23:16 +0100, Stephane Roth wrote:

> Hi Arachne addicts !

> As I predicted , but sooner than had believed , I am hereby reporting
> full success with fixing my Arachne . I just doed it on a 486 DX2 , now I am
> confident I can do it again with the 286 which was the intended 'target' :~)

> Wish to thank you again for greeting the newbie so warmly ; it gave me the
> incentive to look at that thing again , and here we are !

> What was I doing wrong ? In a word I must had messed up the com port
> settings
> in the ppdrc.cfg file and/or the arachne.cfg - probably both ! ( must say
> this 'puter
> has its modem hooked up to a rather unusual Com 3 / IRQ 7 / 3e8 )

GREAT !!!!

Welcome to the world of "windows-free" browsing. :)))

> Now just one or 2 minor questions :

> - - In the sample Arachne.cfg there is room for an "AltNameServer" , not so
> in the "ppdrc.cfg" , or may I add it there too ?

Yes, it will be added to pppdrc.cfg the next time you connect.
(if you place it into arachne.cfg).

You see... pppdrc.cfg gets rewritten every time you connect.

You can add the AltNameServer into arachne.cfg manually.
It can also be done using the internal setup screens inside of Arachne.

1) press "O" to get the Options screen
2) link to the "TCP/IP Setup" button
3) link to the "Internal PPP support" button

You'll see entry fields for 1st DNS (required) and 2nd DNS (optional)
Enter the 2nd one and scroll to the bottom of the page to save it into

The next time you connect, it will be written into the new pppdrc.cfg

> - - Maybe many of you have got multiple POP servers , how do you manage
> to poll more than one ? ( Must say I haven't tried the pop/smtp with arachne
> yet)
> Can you switch the POP settings while connected ? Can you automate the
> process ?

Some other users have automated the process.

All I do is keep a seperate .ACF for each pop/smtp account

And yes, you can do the switching while still connected.

> - - Can you configure Arachne for an AOL connection ? ( OK !!! just kidding :)

NOPE !!!! ;-)

> - - My Arachne here is version # 1.50 "stable release candidate" 5/7/99 .
> Any objection to staying with it as is ?

If that's the one you like... use it. :)))

With all of the added features..... you will have a VERY nice surprize
when you jump right from 1.5 to 1.8 ;-)


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