Ron Clarke wrote:

>Hi Folks, David,
>On Mon, 27 May 2002 01:07:08 -0500, david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Remember that quality and size will vary depending on which mp3 encoder you
>>use. See:
>> for a nice
>>comparison of four popular mp3 encoders.
>   Most interesting.  Thanks for that.  :)
>>Of immeasurable assistance is: The audio codec
>>comparison ( and the
>>Alternative lossy encoders ( pages are
>   Again, thank you.  :)
>>Also, has anyone here tried lossless encoding formats such as FLAC
>>(, Monkey's Audio
>>(, RKAU (
>>, etc.? See
>> for a good start in the
>>lossless aural sphere...
>    I haven't checked these last ones, but is this something that has
>DOS software available ?  Or is it Windows and high-end Linux only ?
>        Ron
Hello list, Ron,

MS-DOS versions are available for the following lossless encoders:
shorten (
WavArc (
WavPack (

No DOS software that I know of for FLAC, Monkey's Audio, WaveZip, LPAC, 
etc.. Hope this reaches everyone enjoying their weekend. For those in 
England, congrats on the football match. :)


"The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes."

    -- Frank Lloyd Wright

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