On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 11:01:53 +0100 Casper Gielen wrote:

> Hash: SHA1

> Op woensdag 26 februari 2003 06:42, schreef Samuel W. Heywood:

>> Morality may be defined as virtuous conduct.  Popular opinion
>> frequently fails to support virtuous conduct.  Haven't you ever
>> noticed that?

> But in the end, morality is changed by public opinion.
> What is right and what is wrong changes from country to country, and from time
> to time. Popular opinion changes faster and more often than morality, but it
> certainly influences it.

Morality has never been changed and it never will be changed.
What is legal and what is illegal varies from country to country.
Also the standards of behavior that are socially acceptable may vary
from country to country and they may change from time to time.
Popular opinion has a very strong influence on behavior, but it has
no influence whatsoever on morality.  Socially acceptable behavior is
not necessarily morally upright behavior.  Haven't you ever noticed

Sam Heywood
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