On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 20:37:09 -0400, L.D. Best wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 03:33:31 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:

>> On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 20:41:01 -0400, L.D. Best wrote:


> Sam,

> Give it up.  You can't prove your god, or your good, even exist.  You
> also lack the skill to truly debate -- instead picking on what you think
> is a weak spot (often out of context) and hoping to bury it by
> reiterating what you've said over and over before.

> ====

You don't need to tell me that.  I am perfectly aware that neither I
nor anyone else can prove the existence of God.  I would not be so
foolish as to attempt to do so.  I do not know of any arguments for
the existence of God for which there are no excellent rebuttals, nor
do I know of any arguments against the existence of God for which
there are no equally excellent rebuttals.  Philosophers taking both
sides of that question have already run around in circles on that
issue.  None of them ever got anywhere except for proving the point
that their point cannot be made.

Sam Heywood

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