On Mon, 26 May 2003 03:38:15 -0500, Samuel W. Heywood wrote:

> No, it is not thoughtful at all.  How would you like it if you were
> to find your inbox flooded with hundreds of "bounced" messages that
> you didn't even send?

How would you like it if those infected messages got through and all the
people on your mailing list sent you messages calling you all kinds of
bastard for sending them an infected message?

>  Wouldn't you have just preferred that the
> virus filters would have just simply deleted the nasty things and
> pronounced them dead on arrival?

Sure would. But do the virus filters catch ALL of the viruses?
Apparently not, for you go on to say this:

> I have received lots of viruses where the
> "From:" header gives the name and email address of an Arachne list
> member.  I just delete the virus and I never inform the fellow list
> member about it because I have no reason to believe that the person
> named in the "From:" header is the culprit.

Well bully for you old chap!

But that shows that SOME viruses DO get through. Not everyone has the
expertise to be able to detect that a message is infected and be able to
delete the virus.

>> Just as one of a countless number of possibilities, it could be that his
>> system is infecting his outgoing mail. If my system was doing that, I'd
>> certainly want to know about it, quick smart!!!!

> You can easily prevent your system from ever doing that simply by

Sure _I_ can do that. But AFAIK I am not having the problem of my system
infecting any outgoing messages.

OTOH a lot of my friends are (dare I say it?) M$idiots who can NOT do
what you suggest. And wouldn't even if they could.

Let's face it. We could argue these points forever, and it wouldn't
change the way the rest of the world works.

I see no point in continuing this discussion.

from Greg Mayman, in Adelaide, South Australia
  "Queen City of the South"  34:55S  138:36E
-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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