Hi Ron,

maybe I can give you a little more advice  so that you will be able
to get the grafprt.bat running on your system.

>   This would indeed be a useful plug-in. Up till now I have been
>printing single screen shots (with * to give full screen) one at a time
>till I have scrolled right through the web page (with PRINTGFD set to print
>in landscape).

It is up to you how you create the bitmaps you are going to print
- either with CTRL+P or with the PrtScr key.

A main thing is however to configure PRINTGFD. Its interface offers
an option to save the present configuration. Otherwise you will have
to send the settings on the command line and command line length in
DOS is limited.

I configured the program for the following default settings:

:: /FI-                 HPLJ4
:: /FI                  HPLJ5
:: /L7.5,11.5,0.2,0     margins for A4 paper
:: /Q1R                 dithering (on Pentium 266 MHz)
:: /AA400,900,800,1000  image coordinates absolute -
::                      prints the first page of
::                      a 800px wide bitmap in portrait
:: /A50,50,100          image coordinates relative -
::                      prints first page of any bitmap

>   But when I tried the stuff below it only gave me a black screen for a
>   few
>seconds, then back to the "print BMP" page, and of course the bitmap had
>been deleted.
>   I had, of course, edited grafprt.bat with the correct path to PRINTGFD.
>   What DOS flavour are you running ?  And which Arachne version ?

This seems to be due to problems with mime.cfg and grafprt.bat. As I
am running Arachne on a RAM disk there are always non-default
assumptions in my scripts. Let me see, what I can do for you.

1. if you want to preserve the bitmap after printing, just leave out
the part "\n del _4prt.bmp". (These files are huge and should
probably not block space of a RAM disk)

>> file/printbmp.dgi    |@call grafprt.bat
>> 4prt.bmp $r \n del _4prt.bmp

2. The grafprt.bat should be in the directory from where Arachne is
running. If not specify the path. Particular dangerous is
changing drive letters in a script.

In order to debug grafprt.bat I would recommend:

- Insert echo and pause commands in order to see whether the
program starts at all and whether variables are handed over

- If grafprt.bat does not even start the mistake is probably in the
mime.cfg statement (is there another line with file/printbmp.dgi
before?). You can insert commands like "@echo $1 $2 $r\npause" even
there in order to check what is going on.

3. My DOS version is MS-DOS 7.10 (W98), but I am not aware of any
extraordinary commands here. Rather I have to admit that I did not
test the plug-in on any other system than the Pentium 266.

Hope that helps  a bit.



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