On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Henning
Garus<henning.ga...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 01:57:19PM +0200, Xavier wrote:
>> Maybe there should be a separate simple tool comparing pkgbuild tree
>> vs pacman databases (vs packages on ftp/rsync) to make sure everything
>> is in sync.
>> But I will need some more details about what the information we
>> currently have to make this possible.
>> Afaik ftpdir-cleanup already takes care of the pacman databases vs ftp
>> packages part so we really just need the pkgbuild tree vs pacman
>> databases part to fill the gap.
> Something like this? Generated from a recently synced ABS tree and latest DBs 
> from
> ftp.archlinux.org .
> ================================================================================
> Results for core
> ================================================================================
> ================================================================================
> Results for extra
> ================================================================================
> Found in PKGBUILD tree, but not in DB:
>        daemontools
>        kdemultimedia-strigi-analyzer
>        pwlib

Revoved from svn.

> ================================================================================
> Results for community
> ================================================================================
> Found in DB but not in PKGBUILD tree:
>        klogwatch
>        png2ico
>        urlgrabber

I haven't touched them. The maintainer should remove it from the db or
add the PKGBUILD in svn.

> Found in PKGBUILD tree, but not in DB:
>        audacious-itouch-control
>        cairo-docs
>        clearlooks
>        courier-pythonfilter
>        dbus-glib-docs
>        dillo-i18n
>        ec-fonts-mftraced
>        ftpmonitor
>        kpacman
>        nautilus-audio-convert
>        perl-extutils-parsexs
>        php-xdebug
>        pyclamav
>        pydns
>        pyspf
>        rkhunter
>        syncekonnector
>        tracker-gnome-search-tool
>        twisted-words

These looked old. I removed them from svn.

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