On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 9:39 PM, Henning
Garus<henning.ga...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Something like this? Generated from a recently synced ABS tree and latest DBs 
> from
> ftp.archlinux.org .
> ================================================================================
> Results for core
> ================================================================================
> ================================================================================
> Results for extra
> ================================================================================
> Found in PKGBUILD tree, but not in DB:
>        daemontools
>        kdemultimedia-strigi-analyzer
>        pwlib
> ================================================================================
> Results for community
> ================================================================================
> Found in DB but not in PKGBUILD tree:
>        klogwatch
>        png2ico
>        urlgrabber
> Found in PKGBUILD tree, but not in DB:
>        audacious-itouch-control
>        cairo-docs
>        clearlooks
>        courier-pythonfilter
>        dbus-glib-docs
>        dillo-i18n
>        ec-fonts-mftraced
>        ftpmonitor
>        kpacman
>        nautilus-audio-convert
>        perl-extutils-parsexs
>        php-xdebug
>        pyclamav
>        pydns
>        pyspf
>        rkhunter
>        syncekonnector
>        tracker-gnome-search-tool
>        twisted-words

Great, thanks! It indeed found all the problems I had noticed, and much more.

It would be nice if this script could be automatically run as well,
once per week or so.

Can you share the script used? Then we need to figure out if it can be
run in the same place than the other script.

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