On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Ananda Samaddar <ana...@samaddar.co.uk> wrote:
> This is the reason why we need package signing for Pacman.  I'm aware
> that some progress has been made and it's being worked on.  Are there
> any updates?

It's all there : http://projects.archlinux.org/users/allan/pacman.git/log/?h=gpg
and there :

Come back to us when everything is implemented and working :)

You can also read the last thread :
And contact Denis A. Altoé Falqueto about pacman-key and all the rest,
and maybe Aleksis Jauntēvs too

Basically there is no one leading and coordinating these efforts, just
various people who pushed it a bit at random time in the past, and got
quickly de-motivated by the lack of interest from everyone else.

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