Ramana, thank you for providing exactly the answer I was looking for! I
understand the differences between Cabal and cabal-install much better
now, thank you - this is a very informative article.

I have to admit, cabal-install has generallly just "worked" for me (as
an amateur starting out with Haskell), whereas arch-haskell has often
incurred failures when building. I am going to try again from a clean
sheet, and if I still have issues with arch-haskell, I will start
raising them with the community.

kind regards,
Dawid Loubser

Op Ma, 2013-09-23 om 10:48 +0100 skryf Ramana Kumar:
> One version of the answer to your question can be found here:
> https://ivanmiljenovic.wordpress.com/2010/03/15/repeat-after-me-cabal-is-not-a-package-manager/
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Dawid Loubser
> <dawid.loub...@ibi.co.za> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         As a new user of arch-haskell, I would just like to put the
>         question out
>         there: What is the point of arch-haskell, vs using cabal? Is
>         it simply
>         for the elegance of using a single package manager (pacman)
>         for all
>         packages on my system (Haskell-related and not) or is there
>         some other
>         inherent problem I can expect down the line if I were to use
>         the cabal
>         ecosystem?
>         sorry if this is a redundant question -
>         Dawid Loubser
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