On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Dawid Loubser <dawid.loub...@ibi.co.za> wrote:
> I'm afraid that I am not one of those 'terrifyingly clever' people you speak
> of, Magnus, but in the past I have had a world of pain trying to use a
> mixture of packages between cabal and pacman.
> Had a very happy time using just pacman until haskell-buildwrapper
> disappeared recently, and I could no longer use my favourite Haskell IDE :-(
> I don't want to even try installing it using cabal, becuase then I'll be
> back in package-dependency hell.
> I have to say, I appreciate your efforts into making Haskell easy to use on
> Arch so very much - I don't mean to complain at all!

Create a new issue for it on the github page[1], or even better dig
into `cblrepo`, add it yourself, and send me a pull request ;)


[1]: https://github.com/archhaskell/habs/issues

Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
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