On 24/04/15 16:11, Magnus Therning wrote:
> The only solution I can see is to do something clever in the
> ghc.install (`pre_upgrade` and `post_upgrade`).  I'm not sure exactly
> what information is available though.  One would probably need enough
> information to distinguish a re-install from an upgrade.

It think that for the sake of integrity this should happen. Not saying
it is a critical bug which needs any immediate attention. Maybe
something we can open a low priority issue for and fix when the
opportunity arises.

> Also, I'm still not clear on *why* `pacman` all of a sudden
> decides to re-install ghc on your system. 

I think given that it is a possibility, the package should cater for it.
One may have wanted to install Ghc again for various reasons.

> If you figure out why, then that might very well be a more natural
> place to fix the issue than inside the ghc package.

I mentioned it in a previous email. I told packman to install
`haskell-base` because the Setup complained `base` was missing.

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