Hello and welcome!

To indicate that a package needs upgrading find using the package search
on www.archlinux.org and click on the link "flag out-of date".  If you
mean the hercules emulator I'll take a peek at it tonight...


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Kevin Monceaux
Sent: January 17, 2007 12:30 PM
To: General Discusson about Arch Linux
Subject: [arch] New Arch User - Intro - I Think I'm Hooked

Fellow Arch Enthusiasts,

I might be a new Arch user and thought I'd introduce myself.  Forgive me
if I ramble a bit.  I'm excited about Arch.  I've found the answers to
most of the questions/problems I've come across but still have a couple
of questions.  Feel free to just point me to the appropriate

I'm Kevin.  I've been in the market for a "new" distribution for quite a
while.  I've tried many.  I started out with Slackware back in the 1.x
kernel days.  From there I went to Mandrake.  The past couple of years
I've been using Gentoo and liked it pretty well but recently a few
things about it have been getting on my nerves.  To complicate matters I
used to work in food service, I only have three nerves left.  So,
recently I've been trying other source based distributions.  A while
back I saw Arch but overlooked it thinking I wanted to stick with a
source based distribution.  Why, oh why didn't I try Arch sooner?

It looks like Arch has the best of both worlds.  It has binary
distributions that install quickly but can be easily rebuilt via ABS if
any tweeking is needed.  And, creating new packages via ABS also appears
to be a snap, even for packages with bizarre build procedures.

I hit a few snags with the install/upgrade process but found most of the
info I needed in the Arch wiki and/or Arch forums.  Fortunately I
started testing under vmware as I probably would have been cut off from
online resources otherwise.  I'm still running Arch under vmware.  I
have a little hard drive cleaning to do before switching my main box
over to Arch.  I installed via the 0.7.2 cd and ran into a few kernel
panic problems after upgrading.  The root of my problem was not changing
initrd26.img to kernel26.img.  After a second install attempt I did see
the warning message go by.  I found some info online saying that the
warning should be written to pacman.log but I wasn't able to find it in
my pacman.log.  The only message related to kernel26 I found in
/var/log/pacman.log was:

upgraded kernel26 ( ->

Is there another log somewhere I'm missing?  Or, do I perhaps need to
change a pacman config parm somewhere to have the warning messages
written to the log?

I've already used ABS to "version bump" one of my favorite applications
- Hercules.  Does Arch have a "version bump" procedure for packages
already in the official repository?  I didn't find anything in the wiki
searching for "version bump."

I might have a few packages to contribute to the AUR before long.  I'm
an old-fashoned kinda guy and prefer text console based apps.  I have
several apps that I've written using clip, a Clipper/xBase compatable
compiler.  I didn't find clip in the official repositories or in the AUR
so I'm working on creating my own packages for it, which has been a
little challanging.
The authors apparently like to go in circles.  The build/install process
is basically accomplished with one command:

./make system

from the source directory.  The above installs clip and all it's
optional libraries in /usr/local.  The base clip package and it's
optional libraries should be provided as separate packages for Arch.  I
think I finally have the build process disected enough to figure out how
to build the various pieces separately with a more traditional
configure->make->make install style process.  The make shell script
mentioned above issues a "make system"
command.  The Makefile just issues a "./mklocal -release" command.  The
mklocal shell script changes to the clip directory and does the
traditional "./configure; make; make install" from there, depending on
some environment variables set by the above scripts.  Why didn't they
just do that to begin with?  Chihuahua.  Anyway, I have the base clip
package and a couple of optional clip library packages created already.
The package creates several directories under "CLIPROOT" such as bin,
charsets, etc, include, lib, etc., etc.  I'm currently using /opt/clip
for $CLIPROOT.  Is that the best choice?
Or, should I us something like /var/lib?  Binaries and libraries get
simlinked from $CLIPROOT/bin and $CLIPROOT/lib to /usr/bin and /usr/lib.

Bruceville, TX

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.

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