We're planning to upgrade dbus to 1.0.x in a short while. The new
configuration files used by dbus 1.0.x is incompatible with the version
in our repositories, which causes dbus to crash as soon as it tries to
reload the configuration.

Due to a bug in gnome-session and the XFCE Terminal program, these
programs will crash together with dbus. This bug has been fixed on
Januari 23 in both gnome-session and Terminal.

When upgrading your system to dbus 1.0.x from either XFCE Terminal or
Gnome with the affected packages dated before Januari 23rd, be warned
that you will lose all unsaved work affected by these crashes
(gnome-session drops to the console and hard-quits all your active
programs, Terminal only kills all active Terminal sessions). A solution
is to upgrade from outside of these programs, or, to upgrade to the
latest versions of these packages, restarting these programs and then
upgrade dbus.

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