What version of Terminal specifically? Is the bug fixed in 0.2.6?

I always pacman -Syu with Terminal so I'm a bit worried.

On 2/2/07, Jan de Groot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're planning to upgrade dbus to 1.0.x in a short while. The new
> configuration files used by dbus 1.0.x is incompatible with the version
> in our repositories, which causes dbus to crash as soon as it tries to
> reload the configuration.
> Due to a bug in gnome-session and the XFCE Terminal program, these
> programs will crash together with dbus. This bug has been fixed on
> Januari 23 in both gnome-session and Terminal.
> When upgrading your system to dbus 1.0.x from either XFCE Terminal or
> Gnome with the affected packages dated before Januari 23rd, be warned
> that you will lose all unsaved work affected by these crashes
> (gnome-session drops to the console and hard-quits all your active
> programs, Terminal only kills all active Terminal sessions). A solution
> is to upgrade from outside of these programs, or, to upgrade to the
> latest versions of these packages, restarting these programs and then
> upgrade dbus.
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