Wednesday 03 October 2007, Alexandros K-K wrote:
 | what's the drop-all-cache command?

sorry, that's a script of mine to tell the kernel to clean up a 
little... i think it is already mentioned in this thread. basicly the 

#! /bin/sh
. /etc/rc.d/functions


stat_busy "Dropping Caches"
        # here be some checking if any cp, mv, dd are running 
        sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches 

 | my results on ext3, with no pacman-optimize for a month, but
 | updating the package db every day, went from 29 seconds to 800
 | milliseconds. that seems waaay too much improvement, maybe the
 | result got cached? how do i drop it?

with this command:

sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

it will sync and then tell the kernel to drop caches if possible.

if you want to just drop the pagecache, send a "1", if you want to 
drop dentries and inodes, send "2" - "3" drops all of them

- D

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