
Thank you all for the responses!

Am Dienstag, 6. November 2007 13:55:19 schrieb RedShift:
> Testing it on a non-production box helps ;-)

Yes. I will do that - at least for the server... but unfortunately i dont have 
the ressources to double all machines ;-)

> > So heres is my decision:
> > -  no "pacman -Syu" will ever happen again, instead i do "pacman -Su"
> > and "pacman -U <pkg>" for choosen packages and immeadiate test, to check
> > that the update was OK.
> Then Archlinux is not the distribution for you.

Why? Isnt it ok to update only selected packages?
Are there any problems that arise if i do so?

I do it this way on the servers (no kernel or fcpci updates anymore) - that 
should be save, or can i run into other problems?

# pacman -Sy
# pacman -Qu

than i choose what to update and do
# pacman -U <pgk>

are there any problems with that?
Do i need to do a "pacman -Syu" to run ArchLinux? (i hope not)

Thank you very much


-fcpci:  I noted the fcpci problem later and downgradet - thank you anyway for
your work!!! (happend 01.11.)

-kernel: was solved with a downgrade and a later "pacman -Syu" worked (this 
issue is from 22.08.)

-x-server: solved on the Vaio Notebook (a few lines must be edited in 
xorg.conf), on the TP43p there is no solution at the moment (according to the 
forums on archlinux.org) (both issures are from today)

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