Mezoko wrote:
> You might want to try frugalware, as it appears that you don't like the
> way arch does things. Arch requires some work, and that isn't going to
> change. I appreciate all the work that is done for arch. It is free and
> is user contributed. As far as I know no one is making any money working
> on arch. I want to contribute more the distribution myself but I don't
> find time. Over the last 2 years I have seen a great improvement in
> terms of not running into problems when running a pacman -Syu.
> To the DEV's/TU's/Other's keep up the good work and thank you!

Nowhere did I ever say that I didn't like the way arch did things. In
fact, I switched to Arch after 3 and a half years of running
Slackware, precisely because I liked the way Arch did things. I have
tried other distros, including Frugalware, but none of them convinced
me to switch from Slackware. Arch did.
It seems like my comment was taken the wrong way: as critissism. As if
I were saying: "yeah, Arch really needs a conservative/stable branch".
Not at all folks. It just sounded like a good idea, and not because
I've had any stability problems with Arch, but maybe because that's
what I was used to with Slackware. I didn't realize so many people
were against the idea or of how much work it takes.
I'm sticking to Arch because I love it's philosophy and the way it works.


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