Hi everyone,

I'm hailing from Singapore. Currently a Master of Science (Information 
Systems) student at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. I got to 
know about Arches from Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and I intend to apply 
to GSoC 2014. 

I am a self-professed history/archives/heritage geek. I did an internship 
stint at NUS Hollywood Lab & UCLA Hypermedia Studio and worked on the Remapping 
Hollywood Place project. Then I did another internship stint at Asian Film 
Archive <http://asianfilmarchive.org/>, mainly web development and 
maintenance. My last project I went on to try to revive the long forgotten 
Eusoff Archives for Eusoff Hall <http://www.eusoff.nus.edu.sg/>, a 
residential college of 50 years. I have always wanted to contribute more in 
the cultural heritage scene. 

So when Arches popped-out from the list of approved mentoring organization, 
I almost jumped out of my chair. Arches seems to be the perfect tool for 
the *Bukit Brown Cemetery <http://www.wmf.org/project/bukit-brown>** 
project that I might be working on with my university professor after my 
Master's dissertation! It is open source too!

I am familiar with *Python* as I'm using pandas to analyse JSON data for my 
dissertation. I would rate my *JavaScript* and *CSS3/HTML5* knowledge as 
intermediate. I went through the *Django* tutorial once some time ago, 
probably need a refresher. 

Looking at the list of suggested ideas <http://archesproject.org/ideas/>, 
it would seem that these are the ones that I think I could handle:-

   1. *User Settings *
   2. *Admin UI Improvements *. 
   3. *Richer CRM Classes for GIS data *looks interesting. 
      1. I was introduced to ontologies and RDF in the Information 
      Architecture and Design class last semester. So I think I'm still 
      quite new to the area. It will be great if there are more information on 
      what exactly are the classes and how would the incorporation processes 

*what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your view?*
As I look out of my window, I see a typically quiet estate as it's Sunday 
morning. Even the demolition work down the street took a break today. As 
Singapore is an island state and land is scarce, the struggle between 
progress and heritage preservation is very real. Case in point, my housing 
estate was built circa 1976 and many people lived and grew up here. Despite 
the significance of it, one whole section of housing units are currently 
being demolished to make way for newer buildings. 

In Singapore, anything more than 20 years old is considered old. My housing 
estate is merely one among many similar projects across the island. The 
most prominent one is the aforementioned *Bukit 
Brown<http://www.wmf.org/project/bukit-brown> (BB), 
a cemetery for pioneering Chinese immigrants tracing back to the 
mid-nineteenth century. It is said to be the largest Chinese cemetery 
outside of China. But that doesn't stop the government from initiating 
plans to bisect BB with a major thoroughfare and repurpose it for housing. 
Exhumations of several thousand graces has already begun in December 2013. 
This issue has garnered international attention and Bukit Brown has just 
got listed as a World Monument Watch 
 (2014). As it is unlikely the government will change its mind now, we are 
trying our best to document and preserve as many information about the 
graves and the cemetery. Arches seems to be a perfect fit for this project. 

So yup, I have checked out the arches source code from bitbucket, tested 
the 3GB VM and vagrant is building arches as I type. 

All in all, I am ready to get my hands dirty and have a great time. :D

Joshua Ng
(i'm lurking on #arches IRC for the past few days as *joshuatj. Do say hi 
if you see me!*)

On Wednesday, 13 March 2013 18:29:01 UTC+8, Edmund Lee wrote:
> Hello all, ... and welcome in particular to those who have joined the 
> Arches Discussion Forum recently.
> This online group was initially set up for the project team, and has just 
> recently been opened up as the public, so some of us haven't met before. 
> How about we all share a bit of background, just like we would if we were 
> meeting in the real world? If that sounds good to you, reply to this thread 
> and share with the group some or all of the following:
>    - what is your interest in Arches?
>    - where in the world are you working?
> and, just to make it a bit more fun,
>    - what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your 
>    view?
> I look forward to getting to know everyone a bit better!
> Ed

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