I'm starting my next attempt!

When installing Arches (Step 4), should I be concerned with messages such 

Could not find .egg-info directory in install record for isodate (from 
(line 5))
      Running setup.py install for SPARQLWrapper
        warning: no previously-included files found matching 'Makefile'
      Could not find .egg-info directory in install record for 
SPARQLWrapper (from rdflib->-r 
(line 5))
      Running setup.py install for html5lib

This is just a sample.

It does finish with the following lines:

 Could not find .egg-info directory in install record for psycopg2==2.5.4
    Successfully installed psycopg2
    Cleaning up...
     30917670  [100.00%]
Successfully installed arches



On Monday, April 18, 2016 at 8:33:53 PM UTC-4, couim...@gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks Darcy, 
> I'll give this a try this week and will post my progress. I think I'll 
> start from scratch, since I did not install with the 
> ubuntu_trusty_setup.sh. I used the instructions using the link from the 
> Archesproject site.
> Christian
> On Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 11:31:19 PM UTC-4, Darcy Christ wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> Make sure you use the installation script: 
>> https://github.com/archesproject/arches/blob/master/arches/install/ubuntu_trusty_setup.sh
>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Farchesproject%2Farches%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2Farches%2Finstall%2Fubuntu_trusty_setup.sh&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEwoslbwg2k7ocB9tghhetsAunB-Q>
>> It is very important to do everything within the virtual environment, as 
>> that makes sure you are working with the right libraries. Python on Linux 
>> is usually an older version. You must be using Python 2.7. The same goes 
>> for using Postgresql 9.3. These are requirements right now.
>> Elasticsearch is essential for using arches. Not only does it power the 
>> search, but it also handles some caching.
>> The proper command is "python manage.py *runserver* <ip address>:<port>"
>> Hope this helps!
>> Darcy

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