Hi Roshan,

Welcome to Arches! Your experience with documenting heritage and building 
websites will be a valuable addition to the team. 
Your website looks really good. I especially liked the animations where the 
monument walls are stripped down to show what's behind them.

We both have quite similar jobs: I work for the Center for Virtualization 
and Applied Spatial Technologies (CVAST) at the University of South 
Florida. The center collects GIS and 3D data of (archaeological) heritage 
sites and objects. (No website live yet, but here's our Facebook page: 
https://www.facebook.com/USFCVAST/ ) 
Like you, I am tasked with anything IT, but I also go on field expeditions. 
I just came back from a trip to Spain to scan monuments with terrestrial 
laser scanners and photogrammetry. 

I am also looking for ways of presenting our 3D data on Arches. For now I 
plan on implementing 3DHOP for meshes and Potree for point clouds. I think 
there are more people here interested in that, so I was hoping you could 
start a new thread for us to explain how you integrated 3DHOP in your 
current website. Have you automated anything? How do you store and deploy 
the models? Things like that could be interesting for all of us. 

Thanks and again: welcome to Arches!


On Wednesday, 6 July 2016 05:59:35 UTC-4, Roshan Bhurtha wrote:
> Hi Ed.
> I am Roshan Bhurtha, from the Zamani Project, Geomatics Division, 
> University of Cape Town. I am an Electrical Engineer/Programmer and I work 
> in a team which documents heritage sites in the Middle East and Africa.
> We have been documenting heritage sites for more than a decade and worked 
> with international institutions, incl. the Getty ( Valley of the Queens 
> Project). My function in the team is: writing code when needed for our 
> laser scan processing pipeline, processing 3D terrestrial lidar, automating 
> processes, teaching programming, fieldwork (the most interesting part), 
> metadata stuff,  and some admin :)
> Arches looks like a very nice way to present our data to the public ( and 
> we have a lot of it ). I want a system that can help me manage users with 
> different access levels, with the possibility to upload download data and 
> present our massive 3D data sets and GIS data on the web. We do that, 
> partially on our web site, but there is lots of room for improvements (
> www.zamaniproject.org) ! 
> I currently use FTP when having to dish out data to people, but starts to 
> be a pain.
> We are based at the beautiful University of Cape Town, at the foot of the 
> Devil's Peak. Out of my window is, unfortunately, another set of ugly 
> windows. But a 1 minute walk out of the office building gives me a nice 
> panoramic view of the city.
> I look forward to Arches!
> Roshan
> On Thursday, 22 August 2013 17:29:37 UTC+2, Edmund Lee wrote:
>> Hello all, ... and welcome in particular to those who have joined the 
>> Arches Discussion Forum recently.
>> This online group was initially set up for the project team, and has just 
>> recently been opened up as the public, so some of us haven't met before. 
>> How about we all share a bit of background, just like we would if we were 
>> meeting in the real world? If that sounds good to you, reply to this thread 
>> and share with the group some or all of the following:
>>    - what is your interest in Arches?
>>    - where in the world are you working?
>> and, just to make it a bit more fun,
>>    - what can you see out of the window? Is there any heritage in your 
>>    view?
>> I look forward to getting to know everyone a bit better!
>> Ed

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