Hi Seshi,

I think we can consider Authorization stats also. Since WSO2 IS has a good
implementation of XACML spec, we can collect stats on, the requests
allowed, denied, with which granularity, etc.


On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Seshika Fernando <sesh...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> 'Security Analytics' is basically providing useful analytics for the WSO2
> Identity Server product through the use of WSO2 DAS. After discussing with
> IS guys (Prabath and Johann) we initiated a Security Analytics roadmap and
> I'm currently in the process of identifying and detailing the Security
> Analytics needs.
> In this process we discovered that security analytics can be dealt in 2
> ways...
>    1. Presentation of Identity Analytics - Analyze available identity
>    data from logs, audit trails etc; and enable users to view results it in
>    many ways.
>    2. Adaptive Analytics - Analyze identity data (historical and
>    realtime) to identify anomalous patterns and feed the decisions back into
>    the Identity server to enable additional checks
> We will first focus on Presentation of Identity Analytics and the attached
> document is a WIP description of the type of analytics we want to have.
> Open for suggestions.
> @Johann, @Prabath: Comments are mandatory from you guys. :)
> seshi
> 1.
> https://docs.google.com/a/wso2.com/document/d/1qWzo20hrzOXPyoTuyfk9J40agUnvuSK5yNtwmlTZxcU/edit?usp=sharing
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Lahiru Sandaruwan
Committer and PMC member, Apache Stratos,
Senior Software Engineer,
WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com

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