Hi Viduranga,

I will put my attention to the changes that u have suggested. Thank you for
the kind feedback.

Thanks and regards,

Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka
Software Engineer (Intern)
WSO2 Inc.

Mobile : +94702062877
Email : sh...@wso2.com
LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/shanchathusanda/

On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Shan Jayathilaka <sh...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> In this mail I attached the [1]swagger hub link for the
> api-user-consent-management.yaml for a better view.
> [1]. api-user-consent-management.yaml file
> <https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/ShanChathusanda/wso-2_identity_server_user_consent_management/v1.0.0>
> Thanks and regards,
> Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka
> Software Engineer (Intern)
> WSO2 Inc.
> Mobile : +94702062877 <+94%2070%20206%202877>
> Email : sh...@wso2.com
> LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/shanchathusanda/
> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Viduranga Gunarathne <vidura...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Shan,
>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Shan Jayathilaka <sh...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In this mail I would like to present my current situation of the project.
>>> I implemented some features of the consent receipt generation as the
>>> Kantara Consent Receipt specification. In here I will explain those in
>>> details. As I mentioned in my previous mails I created a MySQL database  to
>>> store the consents of the users. Also I implemented the DAO layer for that
>>> database to update and retrieve the data. Now I’m currently implementing
>>> the endpoint with RESTful APIs for the above database. I used swagger to
>>> create the endpoint’s API documentation and generated the endpoint using
>>> CXF. I attached the [1]swagger file( api-user-consent-management.yaml )
>>> below at this mail.
>>> I will briefly describe the APIs here.
>>> /consent/{subjectName} - Getting consent details of an user to populate
>>> the UI
>> IMO this should be "/consents" instead of "/consent" because then it will
>> give the idea of selecting a single consent out of a list and can i suggest
>> using "userId" or "userName" instead of "subjectName"
>> /consent/{subjectName}/thirdParty - Getting consent details regarding to
>>> the third party which operated on the user data (In here I used a query
>>> parameter to send the third party id to the backend)
>> Camel case notation is not the best practice when building REST APIs. I
>> think this should be changed to "third-party"
>> /consent/{subjectName}/serviceList - Getting details of consented
>>> services by an user
>> serviceList --> /service-list
>>> /consent/{subjectName}/services/{serviceId} - Getting service details
>>> regarding to the subject name and the service id
>>> /consent/{subjectName}/services/{serviceId}/purpose - Getting details
>>> of purposes of a service by subject name ( In here I used a query parameter
>>> to send the purpose id to the backend )
>>> /consent/configuration/dataController
>>> Post - Adding details of the data controller to the consent database (
>>> used a DTO in the body to send the details. )
>>> Get - Getting data controller details by the id ( used a query parameter
>>> to send the data controller id. )
>>> Put - Updating the data controller details of the consent database (
>>> used a DTO in the body to send the details. )
>>> /consent/configuration/personalInfoCategory
>>> Post - Adding a personally identifiable info category to the consent
>>> database ( used a DTO in the body to send the details. )
>>> Get - Getting personally identifiable info categories from the database
>>> ( used a DTO List to get the details. )
>>> Put - Updating personally identifiable info categories in the consent
>>> database ( used a DTO in the body to send the details. )
>>> /consent/configuration/service
>>> Post - Adding details of a service to the consent database ( used a DTO
>>> in the body to send the details. )
>>> Get - Getting details of services from the database ( used a DTO List to
>>> get the details. )
>>> Put - Updating details of a service in the consent database ( used a DTO
>>> in the body to send the details. )
>>> /consent/configuration/purpose
>>> Post - Adding details of a purpose to the consent database ( used a DTO
>>> in the body to send the details. )
>>> Get - Getting purpose details from the consent database ( used a DTO
>>> List to get the details. )
>>> Put - Update details of a purpose in the consent database ( used a DTO
>>> in the body to send the details. )
>>> /consent/revoke
>>> Put - Revoke consent of an user by service and purpose ( used a DTO List
>>> to get the details. I used put because I used a flag called STATUS in
>>> SERVICE_MAP_CRID table to keep the consent details’ status which can be
>>> “Approved” or “Revoked”. I do that because in an organization they keep the
>>> revoked user details at least 7 years. )
>>> /consent/{subjectName}/receipt
>>> Get - Getting consent details of an user to create the consent receipt
>>> /consent/receipt/webForm
>>> Post - Adding user consent details from a web form which is provided by
>>> the user.
>>> /consent/receipt
>>> Post - Adding user consent details from a JSON which is provided by the
>>> user
>>> Further details are in the [1] YAML file below.
>>> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=2b82ec457b&view=att&th=1604e421cce6e0c1&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_jb4la8zc0&zw>
>>> [1].api-user-consent-management.yaml
>>> (22K)
>>> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=2b82ec457b&view=att&th=1604e469ca5263b2&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_jb4la8zc0&zw>
>>> Kindly requesting your feedback as before.
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka
>>> Software Engineer (Intern)
>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>> Mobile : +94702062877 <+94%2070%20206%202877>
>>> Email : sh...@wso2.com
>>> LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/shanchathusanda/
>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Shan Jayathilaka <sh...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> First of all I would like to thank you for the kind feedbacks that you
>>>> have provided and I’m very sorry for the late reply for this feedbacks.
>>>> As the feedbacks provided by you, we decided to go through this kind of
>>>> solution for the PII CATEGORY and the Scopes.
>>>> As an example let’s take a PII_CATEGORY called Contact. To this
>>>> PII_CATEGORY we can add attributes like Address, Email and Telephone
>>>> number.
>>>> Regarding to the scope claim domain I think the PII_CATEGORY Contact is
>>>> similar to a Scope and the attributes of the Contact is similar to the
>>>> Claims. So I think we can create a custom scope in the registry to map the
>>>> above scope and claims.
>>>> Kindly requesting the feedbacks from you as previous.
>>>> Thanks and regards,
>>>> Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka
>>>> Software Engineer (Intern)
>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>> Mobile : +94702062877 <+94%2070%20206%202877>
>>>> Email : sh...@wso2.com
>>>> LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/shanchathusanda/
>>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 8:54 AM, Shan Jayathilaka <sh...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Prasanna,
>>>>> I changed the data type of the Timestamp to integer. Thank you for
>>>>> your kind feedback.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka
>>>>> Software Engineer (Intern)
>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>> Mobile : +94702062877 <+94%2070%20206%202877>
>>>>> Email : sh...@wso2.com
>>>>> LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/shanchathusanda/
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 3:26 PM, Prasanna Dangalla <prasa...@wso2.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> In the attached ER diagram, time stamps are defined to store using
>>>>>> 100 characters in VARCHAR data type. I think we can reduce this size of
>>>>>> this field If you are using unix time stamps.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Prasanna
>>>>>> *Prasanna Dangalla*
>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer, WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com/
>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>> *cell: +94 718 11 27 51*
>>>>>> *twitter: @prasa77*
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 11:55 AM, Shan Jayathilaka <sh...@wso2.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I attached the [1]revised DB design to this mail. Following is a
>>>>>>> brief description of the tables in our revised DB design.
>>>>>>> RECEIPT_TRACKER : This table will keep a track of all the consent
>>>>>>> receipts which created by the organization ( Currently WSO2 ). This is 
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> the legal purposes.
>>>>>>> TRANSACTION_DETAILS : This table will keep the details regarding to
>>>>>>> the user and a system generated user id for each user by each data
>>>>>>> controller. ( one user can give their consent to one to many data
>>>>>>> controllers ).
>>>>>>> DATA_CONTROLLER : This table will keep a track of all the data
>>>>>>> controllers in this scope.
>>>>>>> SERVICES : This table will hold all the services given to the user.
>>>>>>> PURPOSES : This table will hold all the purposes given to the user
>>>>>>> to obtain their consent.
>>>>>>> SERVICE_MAP_CRID ( will change the name ) : This will keep track of
>>>>>>> consents which the user gave. ( For this purpose in this service ).
>>>>>>> THIRD_PARTY : This table will contain the details of the third party
>>>>>>> organizations that are going to use the user details for some purposes.
>>>>>>> PII_CATEGORY ( will merge with the scopes in IS ) : This will keep
>>>>>>> the details of personally identifiable information category that are 
>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>> to collect.
>>>>>>> RECEIVED_CR_TRACKER : This table works as a log. This will keep the
>>>>>>> details of uploaded consent receipt with a status accepted or rejected.
>>>>>>> Other tables are to map all these above tables. This is for the
>>>>>>> legal purposes.
>>>>>>> Kindly requesting your feedbacks.
>>>>>>> [1].revised_db_schema_20171108.pdf
>>>>>>> (33K)
>>>>>>> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ui=2&ik=2b82ec457b&view=att&th=15f9a370a2cb00b6&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_j9qmxzhz0&zw>
>>>>>>> Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka
>>>>>>> Software Engineer (Intern)
>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>> Mobile : +94702062877 <+94%2070%20206%202877>
>>>>>>> Email : sh...@wso2.com
>>>>>>> LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/shanchathusanda/
>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Pushpalanka Jayawardhana <
>>>>>>> la...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Shan,
>>>>>>>> As discussed offline, please share the current revised DB design
>>>>>>>> and the assumptions we made on the things that are not certain in the
>>>>>>>> specification.
>>>>>>>> Also +1 for Johann's suggestion to store PII categories separately
>>>>>>>> then depending on scopes. Hence you can define a separate file in 
>>>>>>>> registry
>>>>>>>> to keep PII category to user claims, similar to how we have stored 
>>>>>>>> scopes
>>>>>>>> to user claims mapping.
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 3:19 PM, Shan Jayathilaka <sh...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> As I am developing the consent receipt specification I have to
>>>>>>>>> keep the details of the consents which are provided by the users. 
>>>>>>>>> This is
>>>>>>>>> the database design that I designed to store those consents. As a 
>>>>>>>>> standard,
>>>>>>>>> data in a database are not deleted permanently until some time is 
>>>>>>>>> elapsed.
>>>>>>>>> Regarding to the above scenario we need to put a flag to those data to
>>>>>>>>> detect that as a deleted one or an active one. In this database 
>>>>>>>>> mainly two
>>>>>>>>> tables are populating from the user actions( TRANSACTION_DETAILS,
>>>>>>>>> SERVICE_MAP_CRID). I already put flags to those two tables. Do we 
>>>>>>>>> need to
>>>>>>>>> put a flag to each and every table in this database to detect deleted
>>>>>>>>> records.
>>>>>>>>> Ex:- There is a table called PURPOSES to store predefined purposes
>>>>>>>>> to capture user consents. When we want to delete a purpose from that 
>>>>>>>>> can we
>>>>>>>>> delete it normally or do we need to keep that with a flag to detect 
>>>>>>>>> that as
>>>>>>>>> a deleted one.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka
>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer (Intern)
>>>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>>>> Mobile : +94702062877 <070%20206%202877>
>>>>>>>>> Email : sh...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>> LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/shanchathusanda/
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 4:49 PM, Shan Jayathilaka <sh...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> Regarding to the GDPR regulation, the users have the chance to
>>>>>>>>>> modify the consents which they provided before for the corresponding
>>>>>>>>>> organization. When an user requests for his/her consents, the above
>>>>>>>>>> organization must send the corresponding consents as a consent 
>>>>>>>>>> receipt.
>>>>>>>>>> This receipt contains an unique ID called Consent Receipt Id. This 
>>>>>>>>>> ID is
>>>>>>>>>> unique for the consent receipt. When the user modified his/her 
>>>>>>>>>> consent,
>>>>>>>>>> this receipt id should be changed. Also the organization must keep 
>>>>>>>>>> track of
>>>>>>>>>> these consent receipts due to legal issues. So we proposed a 
>>>>>>>>>> modification
>>>>>>>>>> to the consent store.
>>>>>>>>>> [1] receipt_tracker.pdf
>>>>>>>>>> (25K)
>>>>>>>>>> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ui=2&ik=2b82ec457b&view=att&th=15f48687de0e56cd&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_j93xsqet0&zw>
>>>>>>>>>> The above table will keep track of the consent receipts according
>>>>>>>>>> to the user. This table will populate after the consent receipt is
>>>>>>>>>> generated to the user.
>>>>>>>>>> *Brief explanation about the table*
>>>>>>>>>> CONSENT_RECEIPT_ID - An unique id for the consent receipt.
>>>>>>>>>> CONSENT_RECEIPT - Consents of the corresponding consent receipt.
>>>>>>>>>> (unsigned JWT token)
>>>>>>>>>> STATUS - 2 steps.
>>>>>>>>>>                       1. When the consent receipt is generated,
>>>>>>>>>> STATUS will be "Generated" for that receipt,
>>>>>>>>>>                       2. If the consents are modified by the
>>>>>>>>>> user, STATUS will be "modified" at that receipt and if the user is
>>>>>>>>>> requesting a consent receipt, organization have to check the STATUS 
>>>>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>>>> sending the receipt. If the STATUS="Modified", a new ID will 
>>>>>>>>>> generated
>>>>>>>>>> with the  STATUS="Generated" for the new receipt and the previous 
>>>>>>>>>> receipt
>>>>>>>>>> will be at the table with the STATUS="Modified".
>>>>>>>>>> SGUID - This is a system generated user id to keep track with the
>>>>>>>>>> user.
>>>>>>>>>> RECEIPT_TIMESTAMP - The date and time of the consent receipt
>>>>>>>>>> creation.
>>>>>>>>>> Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka
>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer (Intern)
>>>>>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>>>>> Mobile : +94702062877 <+94%2070%20206%202877>
>>>>>>>>>> Email : sh...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>> LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/shanchathusanda/
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 7:08 PM, Johann Nallathamby <
>>>>>>>>>> joh...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I think it should be the other way around. PII category is
>>>>>>>>>>> protocol agnostic. So we shouldn't store scopes in this new schema 
>>>>>>>>>>> Shan is
>>>>>>>>>>> proposing. Instead PII category can be referenced along with the 
>>>>>>>>>>> scopes, in
>>>>>>>>>>> registry if that's where scopes are stored.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Johann.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 9:45 AM, Hasanthi Purnima Dissanayake <
>>>>>>>>>>> hasan...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Shan,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Along with these detail we save in these tables, we need to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  keep a mapping to what each PII category means to WSO2 server.
>>>>>>>>>>>> With our current implementation in Identity Server we maintain
>>>>>>>>>>>> a scope-claim mapping in the registry level. For a scope a single 
>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>> multiple claims can be mapped and we can define any custom or 
>>>>>>>>>>>> scope or
>>>>>>>>>>>> claim. So IIUC here we can map PII category with scope. So 
>>>>>>>>>>>> indirectly we
>>>>>>>>>>>> can map PII category with claims. But at the moment we don't store 
>>>>>>>>>>>> those
>>>>>>>>>>>> scope - claim mapping in our database. So if we are to map PII 
>>>>>>>>>>>> category
>>>>>>>>>>>> with the scopes we need to store the scopes in the db level.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hasanthi Dissanayake
>>>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer | WSO2
>>>>>>>>>>>> E: hasan...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> M :0718407133 <071%20840%207133>| http://wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://wso2.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Pushpalanka Jayawardhana <
>>>>>>>>>>>> la...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Shan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Along with these detail we save in these tables, we need to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  keep a mapping to what each PII category means to WSO2 server.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that case we can think of a PII category as a collection of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> claims.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In IS we already have this concept of collection of claims,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> where we categorize them into a scope. WSO2 APIM already make use 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of these
>>>>>>>>>>>>> scopes to provide role based access to resources. We can try to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> make use of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> scopes in the place of PII category to establish this mapping 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with server
>>>>>>>>>>>>> claims which are actually PII keys. In the 'PII_CATEGORY' table 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we can keep
>>>>>>>>>>>>> track of this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 2:45 PM, Shan Jayathilaka <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sh...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is a new regulation called the EU General Data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Protection Regulation (GDPR) which replaces the Data Protection 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Directive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 95/46/EC and was designed to harmonize data privacy laws across 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Europe.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GDPR was passed as a regulation on 27th April 2016 and will be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effective
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from 25th May 2018. Regarding to this regulation any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> organization who is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collecting user data must collect data according to the user's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also if an user request about his/her consents about the user 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data collecting organization must provide those consents 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regarding to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user. In here we have to record what are the consents of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user to a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> database. I designed an [1]ER diagram for the database which 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> collects the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user consent. Also I attached [2] GDPR Regulation document ,[3] 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a blog to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand the GDPR and [4] Kantara Consent Receipt Management 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> email. I hope they will be helpful to all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Brief explanation about the database tables*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - TRANSACTION_DETAILS: Contains details about the consent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    receipt id and user identification.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - DATA_CONTROLLER: Contains details about the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    organization which collects the user data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - SERVICES: Contains details about the services provided
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    to the user data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - PURPOSES: Contains details about the purposes to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    collect the user data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - THIRD_PARTY: Contains details about the third party
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    organizations which take the user data shared by the data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> controllers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - PII_CATEGORY: Contains details about the personally
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    identifiable information (pii) categories.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project_gdpr_new_erd.png
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/1/?ui=2&ik=2b82ec457b&view=att&th=15e7a6f581a803f6&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_j7ise0000&zw>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (140K)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://mail.google.com/mail/ca/u/1/?ui=2&ik=2b82ec457b&view=att&th=15e7a6f581a803f6&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_j7ise0000&zw>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :32016R0679
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://medium.facilelogin.com/understanding-gdpr-9201e13564
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [4]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/infosharing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /Consent+Receipt+Specification?preview=/76447870/90604248/DR
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AFT%20Recommendation%20Consent%20Receipt%20Specification%201
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _0_0.docx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Appreciate your feedback.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shan Chathusanda Jayathilaka
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer (Intern)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WSO2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile : +94702062877 <070%20206%202877>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Email : sh...@wso2.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/shanchathusanda/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pushpalanka.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pushpalanka Jayawardhana, B.Sc.Eng.(Hons).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Lanka (pvt) Ltd;  wso2.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94779716248
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog: pushpalankajaya.blogspot.com/ | LinkedIn:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lk.linkedin.com/in/pushpalanka/ | Twitter: @pushpalanka
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Architecture mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Architecture@wso2.org
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://mail.wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/architecture
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> *Johann Dilantha Nallathamby*
>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Lead Solutions Engineer
>>>>>>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.
>>>>>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile - *+94777776950*
>>>>>>>>>>> Blog - *http://nallaa.wordpress.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://nallaa.wordpress.com>*
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Architecture mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Architecture@wso2.org
>>>>>>>>>>> https://mail.wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/architecture
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Pushpalanka.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Pushpalanka Jayawardhana, B.Sc.Eng.(Hons).
>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Lanka (pvt) Ltd;  wso2.com/
>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94779716248
>>>>>>>> Blog: pushpalankajaya.blogspot.com/ | LinkedIn:
>>>>>>>> lk.linkedin.com/in/pushpalanka/ | Twitter: @pushpalanka
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>>>>>>> Architecture@wso2.org
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> *Viduranga Gunarathne*
>> *Software Engineer Intern*
>> *WSO2*
>> Email : vidura...@wso2.com
>> Mobile : +94712437484 <+94%2071%20243%207484>
>> Web : http://wso2.com
>> [image: https://wso2.com/signature] <https://wso2.com/signature>
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