Dear Milton,

I do have just a few things to add.  First, a correction.

I was premature in stating that the numbering community will be represented on 
stage by Adiel & myself.  The session flow had not been finalized.  Instead, 
Adiel and myself, along with other numbering community folks, will mostly sit 
with the rest of the ICANN community to listen to all the contributions that 
you and all others have on how such an IANA accountability transition might 
take place.  Each of us will also contribute only in our own capacities because 
substantial dialog in the communities have yet to take place.

I believe that I was also premature in saying that Fadi will offer a draft....  
The development of the proposal must be led by the community completely.  ICANN 
staff's role is to gather the input and facilitate dialog by documenting the 
input and summarizing it when appropriate.  You will hear tomorrow morning that 
the role of the staff and Board will be considerably different from they way 
that input is handled for typical topics.

And finally, I apologize if you or anyone else believe that I don't think you 
also represent the numbering community in a less than significant way.  While 
you & I might be contributing to this effort so far on your own behalves, you 
are also doing so as an elected member of the numbering community, which 
carries with it a recognition of your involvement and contribution thus far.

See you tomorrow.  I look forward to hearing your input in this kickoff session.


On Mar 23, 2014, at 1:57 PM, Louie Lee <> wrote:

> Tomorrow morning, you will see a proposal by ICANN CEO Fadi Chehadé pitch a 
> first draft of a way that the community can go about developing the 
> accountability mechanisms that are required.  These mechanisms must be 
> adopted by the community in a bottom-up, multistakeholder manner for them to 
> be part of a viable proposal.
> For folks in North America, this will be Sunday evening/night.  Please join 
> us:


> In addition, there are a number of RIR Board members and numbering community 
> members here at the ICANN meeting ready to pitch in.  I am here not only as a 
> member-elected representative of the ARIN and NANOG communities, but also as 
> the Chair of the Address Council of the ICANN Address Supporting 
> Organization.  You will find me next to an RIR CEO on stage tomorrow 
> representing the numbering community reminding everyone what the 2nd "N" in 
> ICANN stands for.
> We recognize that both the ICANN community and the numbering communities each 
> have divergent views.  We will have an opportunity to demonstrate how our 
> multistakeholder concepts are implemented in the RIR system, and how the RIR 
> staffs and Boards are held accountable for their actions.  Perhaps the ICANN 
> community can take the best features and make it work to "globalize" the 
> accountability of IANA functions at ICANN.
> Yours,
> Louie Lee
> Chair
> ICANN ASO Address Council

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