On Jun 3, 2015, at 1:33 PM, David Conrad <d...@virtualized.org> wrote:
> On the contrary John, I (of course) place great value legal frameworks, 
> however I strongly believe that such legal frameworks must be created to 
> allow for the entities operating within that framework to perform the 
> functions for which they were created.
> It is unfortunate ARIN appears to view such functions as secondary to the 
> legal framework (I seem to recall a similar situation with regards to ARIN's 
> requirements to testing RPKI, but I'm sure I must be mistaken).

David -

    You obviously feel very strongly about this topic, but I haven’t been able 
    discern what you feel ARIN or the ARIN community should being doing in
    this respect.

    If I understand your view on the matter, you are concerned that current ARIN
    registry policy as developed by this community results in “registry 
    (as noted, I disagree with that premise but we’ll use your terminology for 

    I don’t think that you are advocating for ARIN not to follow the community-
    developed policy (although you were not quite clear when directly asked 

    Note that there are not many other options -

    1) Are you simply strongly advocating that community on this mailing list 
        change the registry policy such that there is no needs-basis for 

    2) Alternatively, do you believe that the community should not have been 
        to establish any policy for transfers, as registry policy has 
historically been with
        respect to the allocation/assignment role of the registry, and the 
ongoing role of
        registry administration and maintenance should not have any applicable 

     If the latter (#2), would that belief mean that there should also be no 
policy setting
     a minimum block size for transfers or required contact information, etc?   
 There is
     some manner in which you feel that ARIN has cast aside proper registry 
     and I am trying understand if it is consternation with the ARIN community 
over their
     policy choices or a structural belief regarding the application of 
registry policy.


John Curran
President and CEO

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