After seeing the vast majority of commenters agreeing to /56, I am changing my vote from any level stated to more than a /56.

As the author of the Draft, I have been following the comments. With my vote, /56 has 11 votes. There are also 2 people who are in agreement with any of the expressed levels.

A /48 is the minimum size routable on the internet, so I have counted the comment below as "more than a /52", making two votes for /52. Other votes are two people for /60, and one for changing it to /61, a non nibble boundary. Everyone seems to agree that any /48 should be SWIP'ed, as this size can be individually routed.

Therefore, I am in favor of changing the "/60" in the draft to a "/56".

There has been some comments about SWIP, and abuse contacts.  I note that:

1) The main block holder will always be the POC for anything not in SWIP.

2) If for example, a /48 block is assigned to a dhcpv6 server for prefix delegation of /56's to dynamic users, this block is still required to be registered in SWIP, as /48 is larger than /56. However this is just one record for the entire pool, not one per EVERY customer as is the current SWIP requirement of /64 or more, and the policy I seek to change.

3) Customers receiving an assignment larger than a /56 will also be required to be SWIP'ed. This does not change at all.

The only thing that really changes is that small network customers, that currently receive just a single IPv4 address, will be able to receive a /56, /60 or /64 address block of v6 for their use without an individual SWIP requirement, exactly as they can now receive a single IPv4 assignment without an individual SWIP. With v4, only the dynamic pool of v4 addresses is required to be SWIP'ed, not the individual small customer. I seek to do the same for v6.

Albert Erdmann
Network Administrator
Paradise On Line Inc.

On Tue, 6 Jun 2017, Paul McNary wrote:

I think the SWIP requirement should be the same as what is routable internet wide. /24 for IPV4 and whatever for IPV6. Anything less is the /24 holder's problem to deal with. If it is public routable then require SWIP otherwise let the routable holder manage it. Blacklists deal with it that way. Every had a /25 that the other associated /25 had spammers on it?
Lots of fun! :-)
Now if the blacklist characters would work with the smaller IP ranges that would be great, but will they?

Paul McNary

On 6/6/2017 3:10 PM, Roberts, Orin wrote:

/???Since we require SWIP for IPv4 /24s???///

ARIN also currently requires a SWIP for an IPv4 /29 , which makes ???/60" a more applicable reference point; unless the intent is to minimize or eliminate SWIPs for IPv6 (ISPs won???t mind).


*From:*ARIN-PPML [] *On Behalf Of *William Herrin
*Sent:* June-06-17 3:04 PM
*To:* Leif Sawyer
*Subject:* Re: [arin-ppml] Draft Policy ARIN-2017-5: Equalization of Assignment Registration requirements between IPv4 and IPv6

On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 2:30 PM, Leif Sawyer < <>> wrote:

    The boundaries at /60, /56, and /48  have all been discussed.  If
    one is more favorable than
    the other, and you would like to see the proposal edited to use
    that one, we will certainly
    take that under advisory.

Hi Leif,

IMHO, IPv6 /48 = IPv4 /24. Since we require SWIP for IPv4 /24s, we should require it for IPv6 /48s.

I'd be comfortable with "more than a /56" and "more than a /60." I prefer "more than a /56."

I would oppose "/60 or more" or "/56 or more" because I believe that would encourage ISPs to engage in unhealthy assignment practices to avoid SWIP reporting, such as assigning /64s, /61s and /57s.


Bill Herrin


William Herrin ................ <> <>
Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <>

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