David - 

In addition to the RSA language John cited, Section 12 of the NRPM gives ARIN 
the right to review an organization’s resource usage at any time for continued  
compliance with community-driven policy. I suspect that these reviews are not 
common, however. What’s more common, in my view, is an organization’s request 
for additional resources, which must come with justification that 
currently-held resources are being used in compliance with policy. I do not 
believe that these are checked against the original requests for consistency, 

I’d be curious if the clause below can be interpreted as giving organizations a 
duty to report *any* substantial changes in an organization’s allocation plans 
if they diverge from the justification filed at the time of the request, or 
only when such changes would have the effect of putting the organization out of 
compliance with current policy. I can see the former interpretation being 
rather troublesome for a large number of organizations, given how often 
business plans and environments can change over time, as well as adding quite a 
bit of (IMO unnecessary) overhead to IP allocation managers.

That said, I can see ARIN being quite justified in reclaiming resources if the 
justification documentation filed with the request had no bearing to the org’s 
actual plans. I suspect that to be the unspoken subtext of the current 
controversy, and I absolutely believe that ARIN would and should act similarly 
in such a scenario (which, in the past, it has).



> On Sep 1, 2021, at 1:21 PM, John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> David - 
> Excellent question.   The most important item is for the community to 
> determine its policy goals in this area, and then based on such what 
> requirements/duties belong in policy language in Number Resource Policy 
> Manual (NRPM.)
> The ARIN RSA places an explicit duty of “Information and Cooperation” on 
> number resource holders (see below) that can be used to enforce 
> community-developed policy in this area, but the communities thoughts on the 
> appropriate policy really should drive the discussion – 
> 2.(c) Information and Cooperation. Holder has completed an application 
> provided by ARIN for one or more Services (the “Application”). Holder must 
> (i) promptly notify ARIN if any information provided in the Application 
> changes during the term of this Agreement, and (ii) make reasonable efforts 
> to promptly, accurately, and completely provide any information or 
> cooperation required pursuant to the Service Terms or in response to any 
> inquiry or request made to Holder by ARIN during the term of this Agreement. 
> In addition, Holder shall promptly provide ARIN with complete and accurate 
> information, and cooperation as required by any Service Terms or that ARIN 
> requests in connection with ARIN’s provision of any of the Services to 
> Holder. If Holder does not provide ARIN with such information or cooperation 
> that ARIN requests, ARIN may take such failure into account in evaluating 
> Holder’s subsequent requests for transfer, allocation or assignment of 
> additional number resources, or requests for changes to any Services. 
> Note that material breach of Section 2(c) is one of the events that provides 
> ARIN clear right of termination for the RSA and subsequent revocation of the 
> number resources – so let’s be extra careful when considering any 
> reporting/information duties for placement into NRPM. 
> Thanks! 
> /John
> John Curran
> President and CEO
> American Registry for Internet Numbers
> On 1 Sep 2021, at 3:47 PM, David Farmer <far...@umn.edu 
> <mailto:far...@umn.edu>> wrote:
>> I changed the subject line, as this isn't directly related to the dispute 
>> between AFRINIC and CI, but more some questions arising from it specifically 
>> related to the ARIN registered resources.
>> ----
>> So, do ARIN resource holders have a duty to report changes in their use of 
>> resources? If they do, where does that duty come from in policy or contract 
>> language? And, what are the relevant changes that need to be reported?
>> In my review of these questions;
>> In the RSA I see where holders are granted, "The right to use the Included 
>> Number Resources within the ARIN database" (RSA section 2.b bullet 2). 
>> However, I don't see any limitation to that use, such as "originally 
>> justified" or any obligation to report a change in such use.
>> In policy, "An end-user is an organization receiving assignments of IP 
>> addresses exclusively for use in its operational networks." (NRPM 2.6), with 
>> an exception for incidental or transient use (last paragraph, section 2.5).
>> Maybe to align end-user requirements with the new Registration Services 
>> Agreement we should change that so end-users have to report any use, other 
>> than incidental or transient use, outside their organization.
>> And ISP's have requirements to report the use by their customers that exceed 
>> certain levels (NRPM sections and 6.5.5).
>> So, other than the ISP reporting requirements, I don't see direct reporting 
>> obligations for change in use. Further, I don't see any guidance to what 
>> might be a material change in use that is in need of reporting, as I'm sure 
>> we don't want ARIN Staff tied up with reports of all possible changes, most 
>> of which are probably irrelevant. 
>> Are there reporting requirements I'm missing? Maybe implied or indirect 
>> requirement?
>> Should something be added to ARIN's policies explicitly stating requirements 
>> for reporting a change in the use of resources?
>> Thanks
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