Utilization after implementation and continued use is not likely to result
in any substantial change of need. Addresses are issued based on an initial
plan; the word plan is used six times in the NRPM and maps to utilization
afterwards in 4.3.3. Whether it starts its utilization life on a server and
grows up to move on to a router seems irrelevant. Based on my
interpretation (and real world experience)in the NRPM that's defensible.
Utilization is a rate of use, not actual use and whether it is on a server
today and a router tomorrow? Irrelevant in that optic.



On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 5:39 PM Mike Burns <m...@iptrading.com> wrote:

> HI Chris and David,
> I think reclaiming resources for fraud of any kind is perfectly reasonable.
> I do not see any need for reporting to ARIN any change of utilization.
> Unlike the AFRINIC RSA (and the LACNIC RSA) the ARIN RSA doesn't put
> resources at risk for utilization, whether that's a change of utilization
> or lack of utilization.
> This is how it should be in a registry that allows transfers, otherwise
> sellers wouldn't risk coming to ARIN to book a transfer if ARIN could
> revoke the addresses for utilization reasons.
> (I think this language in the RSA is one reason for LACNIC's anemic
> transfer market. On the other hand it may prove useful to AFRINIC in this
> peculiar and likely unique situation.)
> I think we need a clear leasing policy in ARIN, one that allows leased
> addresses to be used as justification if those addresses are leased out
> with valid recorded assignments (SWIPS).
> Leasing has to be recognized as a valid distribution channel for IPv4
> addresses and policy must not stand in the way of that channel evolving
> naturally along with the market.
> This AFRINIC situation involves leasing, and everywhere leasing is
> happening in a policy void. That's asking for problems.
> I think we are in the realm of "hard cases make bad law" if we try to
> generalize from the situation in AFRINIC, which really can't be repeated.
> There is no sense in trying to protect against a repeat occurence through
> a knee-jerk reaction that leads to useless prophylactic policy clutter.
> I suppose it bears repeating though, fraud at any point merits revocation.
> Regards,
> Mike
> ---- On Wed, 01 Sep 2021 16:35:19 -0400 *Chris Woodfield
> <ch...@semihuman.com <ch...@semihuman.com>>* wrote ----
> David -
> In addition to the RSA language John cited, Section 12 of the NRPM gives
> ARIN the right to review an organization’s resource usage at any time for
> continued  compliance with community-driven policy. I suspect that these
> reviews are not common, however. What’s more common, in my view, is an
> organization’s request for additional resources, which must come with
> justification that currently-held resources are being used in compliance
> with policy. I do not believe that these are checked against the original
> requests for consistency, however.
> I’d be curious if the clause below can be interpreted as giving
> organizations a duty to report *any* substantial changes in an
> organization’s allocation plans if they diverge from the justification
> filed at the time of the request, or only when such changes would have the
> effect of putting the organization out of compliance with current policy. I
> can see the former interpretation being rather troublesome for a large
> number of organizations, given how often business plans and environments
> can change over time, as well as adding quite a bit of (IMO unnecessary)
> overhead to IP allocation managers.
> That said, I can see ARIN being quite justified in reclaiming resources if
> the justification documentation filed with the request had no bearing to
> the org’s actual plans. I suspect that to be the unspoken subtext of the
> current controversy, and I absolutely believe that ARIN would and should
> act similarly in such a scenario (which, in the past, it has).
> Regards,,
> -Chris
> On Sep 1, 2021, at 1:21 PM, John Curran <jcur...@arin.net> wrote:
> David -
> Excellent question.   The most important item is for the community to
> determine its policy goals in this area, and then based on such what
> requirements/duties belong in policy language in Number Resource Policy
> Manual (NRPM.)
> The ARIN RSA places an explicit duty of “Information and Cooperation” on
> number resource holders (see below) that can be used to enforce
> community-developed policy in this area, but the communities thoughts on
> the appropriate policy really should drive the discussion –
> *2.(c) Information and Cooperation. Holder has completed an application
> provided by ARIN for one or more Services (the “Application”). Holder must
> (i) promptly notify ARIN if any information provided in the Application
> changes during the term of this Agreement, and (ii) make reasonable efforts
> to promptly, accurately, and completely provide any information or
> cooperation required pursuant to the Service Terms or in response to any
> inquiry or request made to Holder by ARIN during the term of this
> Agreement. In addition, Holder shall promptly provide ARIN with complete
> and accurate information, and cooperation as required by any Service Terms
> or that ARIN requests in connection with ARIN’s provision of any of the
> Services to Holder. If Holder does not provide ARIN with such information
> or cooperation that ARIN requests, ARIN may take such failure into account
> in evaluating Holder’s subsequent requests for transfer, allocation or
> assignment of additional number resources, or requests for changes to any
> Services. *
> Note that material breach of Section 2(c) is one of the events that
> provides ARIN clear right of termination for the RSA and subsequent
> revocation of the number resources – so let’s be extra careful when
> considering any reporting/information duties for placement into NRPM.
> Thanks!
> /John
> John Curran
> President and CEO
> American Registry for Internet Numbers
> On 1 Sep 2021, at 3:47 PM, David Farmer <far...@umn.edu> wrote:
> I changed the subject line, as this isn't directly related to the dispute
> between AFRINIC and CI, but more some questions arising from it
> specifically related to the ARIN registered resources.
> ----
> So, do ARIN resource holders have a duty to report changes in their use of
> resources? If they do, where does that duty come from in policy or contract
> language? And, what are the relevant changes that need to be reported?
> In my review of these questions;
> In the RSA I see where holders are granted, "The right to use the Included
> Number Resources within the ARIN database" (RSA section 2.b bullet 2).
> However, I don't see any limitation to that use, such as "originally
> justified" or any obligation to report a change in such use.
> In policy, "An end-user is an organization receiving assignments of IP
> addresses exclusively for use in its operational networks." (NRPM 2.6),
> with an exception for incidental or transient use (last paragraph, section
> 2.5).
> Maybe to align end-user requirements with the new Registration Services
> Agreement we should change that so end-users have to report any use, other
> than incidental or transient use, outside their organization.
> And ISP's have requirements to report the use by their customers that
> exceed certain levels (NRPM sections and 6.5.5).
> So, other than the ISP reporting requirements, I don't see direct
> reporting obligations for change in use. Further, I don't see any guidance
> to what might be a material change in use that is in need of reporting, as
> I'm sure we don't want ARIN Staff tied up with reports of all possible
> changes, most of which are probably irrelevant.
> Are there reporting requirements I'm missing? Maybe implied or indirect
> requirement?
> Should something be added to ARIN's policies explicitly stating
> requirements for reporting a change in the use of resources?
> Thanks
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