On 4/24/17, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 4:25 AM, Lyberta <lybe...@lyberta.net> wrote:
>> There is a line that you may cross after which there is almost no
>> return. If the whole world is extremist and fascist, then you fix it
>> with extremism and terrorism.
>  y'know... there's a famous black civil rights activist who, when
> faced with a fascist / aparheid "law" he was accused of violating,
> responded "go ahead and arrest me: because if i comply with your law
> it's far worse than *anything* you could do to me by putting me in
> prison".
>> An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
>  you know that that saying actually means that if you take someone's
> eye, then *yours* will be taken, right?  it's *not* giving you the
> "right" to respond with violent force against violence: it's a
> *WARNING* to you that violence committed is a downward spiralling
> trap.
>> Fuck. I hate this world, I hate myself.
>  i have a wise friend who very kindly gave me a definition of stress.
> he said it's when people make a comparison between the external
> (perceived) world and their internal view, cannot cope with the
> difference... and seek to blame the EXTERNAL world.  "i hate your
> tie!!  yesss... it's the *tie's* fault!" :)
>  ironically i had never considered before the scenario where the
> "target" of the emotion/stress *was* actually your "self".
>  lyberta, do look up eckart tolle's story, it's very very funny (and
> relevant).  ok ok i can't resist telling the tale: he was an academic,
> in some of the worst (bitchiest) back-stabbing in-fighting for funding
> and "status" academic environments it's possible to be in, and it was
> really *really* getting him down.  so one day he woke up and said to
> himself, intending to kill himself, "i can't live with myself".
>  except, the academic in him went, "hang on a minute, what the hell?
> what the hell is the damn difference between this "I" and this
> "myself"?? in that stupid sentence!  *I* can't live with my "self"??
> wtf??"  and the sudden and revelationary recognition of the incredible
> cognitive dissonance between two "things" - two "selfs" - in his mind
> which he *wasn't even aware were separate" resulted in what's known in
> the trade as a "kundalini whiteout".
>  when he came to he found he was still sitting on the bed but he could
> perceive things in a totally new way.  i won't go into the rest of the
> story but he's now one of the western world's best known "spiritual
> masters", so his books (including audio books) are well worth reading.
>>> And anyway something that is not widely known: when arm netbooks started
>>> becoming a thing OEMs were putting linux on them( of course). Microsoft
>>> saw
>>> a very threatening market emerging and raged hell upon them that if they
>>> kept doing this the sales of their other models would suffer due to them
>>> removing the OEM discount on the windows license.
>  i heard they were just out-and-out blackmailing companies.  i've
> heard a lot of these stories.
>>> After that they proceeded
>>> to change the model so instead of charging per machine they charge per
>>> model. So basically even if you buy e.g. a Dell Lattitude with Ubuntu
>>> preinstalled and then wipe it and replace it with an FSF approved distro
>>> YOU ARE STILL PAYING THE WINDOWS LICENSE. Now some people might disagree
>>> with me, but for me libre software is a war against oppression and is
>>> directly competing with microsoft etc( disagree as in that we do not
>>> compete but exist to fulfeel our own needs). So just for this reason, if
>>> you need to buy an x86 computer and a libreboot model is not an option it
>>> is better to buy a system76 instead of e.g. a dell or a thinkpad and then
>>> install gnu/linux on it.
>> Interesting observation.
>  agreed.
>> I have bought Dell laptop with Ubuntu
>> preinstalled as it was the only model with GNU/Linux distro I could find
>> quickly.
>  well, now you're aware of two other possible companies: system76 and
> thinkpenguin.  yay!
> l.
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And, just to put my cent out there, Kant and Nietzsche are also
options for that reading list xP

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