On 04/24/2017 04:37 AM, John Luke Gibson wrote:
> On 4/24/17, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <l...@lkcl.net> wrote:
>>  lyberta, do look up eckart tolle's story, it's very very funny (and
>> relevant).  ok ok i can't resist telling the tale: he was an academic,
>> in some of the worst (bitchiest) back-stabbing in-fighting for funding
>> and "status" academic environments it's possible to be in, and it was
>> really *really* getting him down.  so one day he woke up and said to
>> himself, intending to kill himself, "i can't live with myself".
>>  except, the academic in him went, "hang on a minute, what the hell?
>> what the hell is the damn difference between this "I" and this
>> "myself"?? in that stupid sentence!  *I* can't live with my "self"??
>> wtf??"  and the sudden and revelationary recognition of the incredible
>> cognitive dissonance between two "things" - two "selfs" - in his mind
>> which he *wasn't even aware were separate" resulted in what's known in
>> the trade as a "kundalini whiteout".
>>  when he came to he found he was still sitting on the bed but he could
>> perceive things in a totally new way.  i won't go into the rest of the
>> story but he's now one of the western world's best known "spiritual
>> masters", so his books (including audio books) are well worth reading.
> I'm not sure how my feedback on this is valued, but :
> Believe it or not, I'm not a fan of Eckhart not just 'cause I always
> despised the definitive "all knowing" rhetoric used by both Church's
> AND spiritualists, but because I felt Eckhart et-all frequently made
> the habit of making individuals feel better about themselves by
> demeaning and incessantly talking about how worthless and powerless
> so-called "oppressive" forces are, literally as an abstract. Life's
> meaning (in my opinion) is literally based around conflict as an
> abstract (not just violence), so it kinda feels like their
> interpretation of life is a bit pointless if one doesn't make being
> spiritual a part of their identity (since to them conflict with one's
> self seems to be the only conflict that has any meaning, and kinda
> implies if a person views themselves as good human beings just the way
> they are that they are living a life with nothing but pointless
> conflicts). That's just my opinion xP

To be honest, I am christian myself, but I see the importance of free
software as a way to fight back against corruption. Also, I see hatred
as something that goes against God.  So basically, if you hate someone
with or without reason, it is a sin.   Life has conflict now, and peace
or torment later in my opinion. 

I am just telling you I am a christian, so that you know, that even a
few believers out there are free software supporters. Not most, but a
few. ;)

Also, it is worth noting that I am more of a socialist, I do not support
copyright's grievous policies like 70 years lasting after the death of
the original author and that's just the beginning of it.

 Conservatives in my humble opinion today are usually far from the ideal
of God.

They falsely accuse people, they steal, they lie, and they worship money
while pretending to worship God. 

This has gotten even more off topic I am sure, but just know, for those
atheists who think all christians or religious people are hypocrites...
the answer is flatly no.

There are some who are like that, but don't paint everyone with the same
brush so to speak.

I thank God every day for those who fight for freedom from corruption
such as Luke and Stallman.

even if Stallman is an atheist, he is still being used for the greater
good in my opinion. That's just me.

okay, thread derailment, done. :)

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